Frightened all the way, reversed the high energy, do you dare to see the end?

Koby 2022-10-24 10:21:31

This article was first published on the public account: Theater7

Sometimes people who are "superstitious" may just need the hope that something can bring them to live on.

Rating: 6.87丨Photo Library List: 191


Professor Goodman is the host of the Psychic Hoax TV show.

He specializes in investigating the deception of some psychics to the general public.

Because he firmly believes that there are no ghosts in this world.

Goodman's business was influenced by Dr. Charles Cameron.

He hopes to be the same as the Doctor, determined to be a person who abolishes superstition.

But Dr. Cameron suddenly disappeared one day, and there is no trace.

Today, Goodman received a package.

To his surprise, this package came from Dr. Cameron, who had been missing for a long time.

There is a tape inside, which basically tells Goodman to go to a place called 79 East Waterfront, and he needs help with something.

The idol's request should naturally respond positively, and Goodman immediately set off.

This is a small house on the coast, and no one is seen for miles around.

After entering the house, Goodman found that it was full of messy living and medical supplies.

And Dr. Cameron is already old and not at all what he looks like.

He went straight to the point, hoping Goodman could help him investigate three cases.

Because these three cases have shaken him about what he has pursued throughout his life.

The first case was a night watchman named Tony.

On his last working day at the vigil, he experienced a series of creepy things firsthand.

Especially when he claimed to have seen the ghost of his daughter.

The second case is a teenager named Simon.

He accidentally hit a person while driving late at night and was chased by an unknown creature.

Finally, I saw the big tree turned into a demon.

The third case is a wealthy businessman named Mike.

He had a paranormal event in his big house in the suburbs.

Even more terrifying, his wife died that day after giving birth to a freak.

These three ghost stories sound so incredible.

And there seems to be no connection between them.

But it brought an unprecedented blow to Goodman's beliefs...

Video Analysis

The film is adapted from a well-known British stage play, which has also toured around the world. As far as the movie is concerned, the audio-visual effects are still good, the production is also very good, and there are also well-known actors like Martin Freeman, so overall, this is a very worth watching "horror movie".

The reason for the double quotation marks is that although the film is dressed in horror, its core is real suspense, and the structure of the story has been used many times by predecessors, but the integration of the details at the end is still very natural. Yes, it can be seen that the screenwriter has repeatedly polished the script to achieve the purpose of not only scaring the audience but also justifying it.

It is almost impossible to write this type of movie without spoilers, so the following content has to involve the key plot again. It is recommended that you read the movie after watching the movie, because this movie will lose it after it is passed through the drama. the desired effect.

The story of the protagonist Goodman is actually very simple, and the film only spends two short paragraphs at the beginning and the end to introduce. At the beginning of the film, the introduction of a documentary-like style is very special, and these short minutes are telling us about the character setting of Goodman. "My father's beliefs have destroyed our family." Goodman's father, a traditional, serious and violent man, was furious when he learned that his daughter was with a black man. Although he did not continue to describe what happened after that, he could What is certain is that family circumstances led to the formation of Goodman's cowardly character.

Then there is the real incident near the end of the film. Goodman is bullied by a bad boy and dare not fight back. A mentally handicapped boy who accidentally passes by saves him, but when the mentally handicapped boy goes deep into the cave and is in danger, Goodman He chose to stand idly by, because of his cowardly character, he was afraid of the dark and ghosts, although this tragedy was not his fault, but he carried a lifetime of guilt for it.

This is the whole main story of the film, "Goodman believes that there are no ghosts in this world", because often in dreams and subconsciously, people will incarnate as Superman and Ultraman to destroy their most terrifying and most feared thing. Of course, the film brings me not only that, but sometimes people have faith because it can make themselves less painful so that they can go on with their lives better. Therefore, many things cannot be simply summarized by superstition, because most of the time, things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Everyone has the most fearful thing in their heart, and if they choose to escape, it may become a shadow in our whole life.

For more highlights, please pay attention to the public number: Theater7

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Author: Xiaojiu Review: Xiaoqi

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Extended Reading

Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?