A part of life, please try to keep it simple

Xzavier 2021-10-13 13:07:24

"This is a part of my life." Even if the Chinese name of the film is very poetic, "When happiness comes knocking at the door", it is still only a part of life. After experiencing so much embarrassment and suffering, happiness has finally come, then wait for happiness to come. People are always greedy, no matter how happy they are. People with great ambitions do everything in a down-to-earth manner every day, be kind to others, wronged oneself, only have an ideal for oneself, and do their best... We say that this is a role model, and this spirit is worth learning; People with no ambitions eat well every day and are lazy and have a good time. However, even if life is simple, there is still the hope of "not too bad"... We say that this is not good, and people should pursue something. In fact, we are all chasing happiness, but the standards of "happiness" are not all the same. But in any case, these are just "parts of our lives." ——"This is a part of my life. This part is called: taking the bus." At the beginning of the film, the child is asleep before dawn, but Chris has to wake the child. Even if there are tens of millions of people who are reluctant, they can get up, because the whole San Francisco city is already bustling. Even in the early 1980s, when the economy of the United States was the most depressed, a little slack, opportunities would slip through the fingers one by one. At the beginning of the film, people had to enter such a tense atmosphere. Take a bus. The crazy old man on the bus pointed to the portable bone density scanner in Chris's hand and said, this must be a time machine, and he can take the time machine back in time. The cruel reality tells everyone that there is no time machine in the world, so we can only look forward. No matter how difficult life is, we are not allowed to have any distracting thoughts of recalling the past. In the present, we must pass through with our teeth! So the old man who believes that there is a time machine to go back in time is crazy. In such a big city, taking the bus is certainly part of the lives of poor people, but some people sitting on the bus complain and complain about the injustice of the world; some people sit in a small corner and look out the window, simply satisfied. People who complain may also be ambitious people, but too many people are too ordinary, so there is nothing wrong with simplicity. ——"This part of my life is called being stupid." Because Chris was in a hurry to go to the interview, he gave the obstructive scanner he carried to a street girl who was playing guitar on the side of the road. He told her that this thing It's worthless, really worthless. The scanner is really worthless, but the tramp still picked up this worthless thing and ran away the moment Chris stepped into the company. . It was foolish to give it to her. When Chris found that his scanner was missing, regardless of the progress of the interview, he resolutely pushed open the door of the company to chase the nasty tramp who took his instrument. He chased desperately, even if he was out of breath. Because this scanner is his one month's living expenses, in such a day, these scanners that can't be sold are all he has. It is foolish to give up the interview because of it. These two "stupid", in the eyes of many people, may not be considered stupid. Our definition of being stupid is to know that this should not be done but still do it lightly, and when we do it lightly, we immediately realize that it should never be done. So what should be done and what should not be done? I always "be stupid", sometimes regret it, sometimes firm, sometimes laugh at myself, "You are so stupid", but comfort myself with a smile. In fact, I am not that stupid. In many cases, it can be simpler. I just did one thing. There is no definition of stupid or not stupid. Then let this thing pass, if it's just a trivial thing. ——"A part of my life, this part of my life is called: Working hard." The Chris family used all their savings to become the only agent of a portable bone density scanner in the United States. He thought it could be successful, but the doctors couldn't agree with it. Expensive and useless machine. So Chris spends most of his time selling this kind of machine. In the film, all his "running" is almost due to this kind of machine. This kind of useless spends all his savings but is still stacked at home. . In many cases, we can see that many people work tirelessly to do a lot of things, beneficial or unhelpful, with no choice, but they are always happy. At the end of the day, people were too tired, but he didn't know what he did. An ambitious and smart person knows how to do multiple choice questions. If choosing A is better than choosing B, of course he will not consider B, and directly put A Seriously, he spends so much time, but only does one thing. So doing more things is not necessarily good, of course, "tired" is not necessarily bad, but if things are simplified as much as possible because of choices, simpler, simpler, you may be able to see a lot more clearly, and you can get a lot more results with half the effort. . ——"This is a part of my life, called: an intern." When Chris was hired as an intern by a securities brokerage company, and his scanners were sold one by one, and his life began to pick up a little, U.S. taxation The system again discounted his savings to only a few dollars. Chris was completely bankrupt. He and his lovely son lived on the streets because they couldn't pay the rent, and finally had to resort to various shelters. Chris’ company only recruits 20 interns every year, and only one person will be hired in the end. At the least chance, he is willing to try desperately, but life becomes even more unbearable. He spends the least amount of time to complete the most intern tasks, and takes his son to carry his luggage in a long line waiting for acceptance in the asylum before 5 o’clock every day. All of these are silently endured. Perhaps he always believes in everything. It will be okay, everything will change. Can this be easier? If you have ideals, go desperately. Do everything, if you always believe, your current predicament will not last forever. But life can still be very good without being so tiring. Lower the standard a bit. The chances of you being a successful person are actually very small, very rare. Part part part... Finally, after these "part part", happiness finally came. Chris was hired by the company and became a real stockbroker! With tears in his eyes, he walked through countless people and countless streets, walked to the simple kindergarten, and hugged his son tightly. The softest but most resolute part of a man is finally intertwined and burst out at the same time. Twenty years later, Chris has lived the most prosperous life at the top of the country. Happyending! But how many people are ordinary like us. How many people will be as prosperous as Chris in twenty years. The name of the film, "The pursuit of happyness", is a bridge in the film. At the simple kindergarten entrance opened by the Chinese, Chris argued that the "happyness" at the entrance of the kindergarten should not be "y" but "i". He repeatedly emphasized that he hoped that the kindergarten could correct it. Happiness should not be "why" but "I". It's already very clear.

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The Pursuit of Happyness quotes

  • [last narration lines, while walking in the crowd and crying]

    Christopher Gardner: [voice-over] This part of my life... this part right here? This is called "happyness."

  • Christopher Gardner: [the first day of the internship program] This part of my life is called "internship."