Power transforms ugliness

Daniela 2022-03-18 09:01:02

As a sequel (or prequel) to a great work, we can't help but compare it to its predecessor. Red Dragon was the last I saw in the series. Of course, it is difficult to surpass the position of Lamb 1 in my mind, but I think other works by Beech have made great breakthroughs.
I don't think it's commercial or not. First of all, the plot design is more compact and more reasonable than other works of the same series, and it is more attractive. I almost finished watching the movie in one go. Maybe because of the change of heroine, Lambs 2 feels a little strange to me. On the contrary, when I watched the prequel, I directly told you that the protagonist has changed, and the bigger protagonist, that is, the selling point, is still Anthony~ It feels very cordial. . The same cool-toned environment, with that elusive smile, made me feel closer to Lamb 1. Maybe I was too much influenced by Lamb 1.

Dragons are evil in the West. But it has enormous power. In the long-term abuse of his grandmother, the male protagonist is psychologically distorted, thinking that he is dirty and ugly, and expecting himself to gain power and transform, so he pinned his hopes on the evil red dragon, which is dominated by it, this is why there is " Power transforms ugliness." Finally, due to the influence of the blind girl, he began to try to break free from the control of the red dragon, but in the end he failed.

Anthony is obviously old, and he is still playing the prequel at the age of 70, which is really emotional. He was only in his 50s when he was in Lamb 1. Perhaps there will be no second Hannibal in the world from now on.

The most commendable part of the whole film should be the design of the ending plot. When the house exploded and the male protagonist was chatting with his wife, we thought that everything was over, and even watching the progress bar of the movie, there was not much left, and I hoped that Anthony would appear on the scene again, but unfortunately there was no chance. The screenwriter ingeniously designed this ingenious ending, which makes people feel overjoyed! Unfulfilled was a powerful satisfaction.

Another thing I want to mention is that if I were the screenwriter, I would let the protagonist die in the end, proving to the world that Anthony is unsurpassed! Haha, it's quite evil~ In the end, the plot is connected with Lamb 1, which is quite surprising, but unfortunately we didn't see the female lead, otherwise we would have another surprise!

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Red Dragon quotes

  • Will Graham: Jack, there's only one safe way to carry on a conversation that's one-way blind.

    Jack Crawford: Publication.

  • Will Graham: [accosted by Freddie Lounds] You write lying shit, Lounds, and the "Tattler" is an ass wipe!