Whether it is love or friendship, there is a sense of responsibility

Ariel 2022-10-31 09:21:31

The plot is simple, the transitions are blunt, but it is quite sweet, and the actors' acting skills are also online. This is the first BL movie I've watched, and it feels pretty good. It should be ok as a primer. The only thing that made me separate was the male protagonist Sam's best friend Scacia had sex with another male protagonist Harry, and once showed their affection on social software as a couple and even in front of Sam, and finally Sam forgave him Two, this does make me a little uncomfortable. But the interaction between the two male protagonists is really sweet, and the sense of struggle and entanglement that they dare not go further and take a step back is also very good. Harry, who has always been evasive and irresponsible, finally changed himself for Sam, grew into a responsible man, and broke Sam's conclusion that "good friends can't fall in love" with practical actions. Reassuring. It feels like the film emphasizes "honesty," "trust," and "responsibility." Sam was attracted to Harry, but Harry's irresponsibility in dealing with his feelings discouraged him. He was only willing to classify the relationship between the two as "good friends", and did not face his love for Harry directly, repeatedly. He told his best friend Scacia that he only regarded Harry as a friend. In the end, Harry, who failed the temptation, had a relationship with Scacia and became a couple. Sam tried to show that he didn't care and suppressed his pain, but after getting drunk To make things worse; Scacia has always considered herself an edgy and cool woman, but instead of explaining it to her good friend Sam after having a relationship with Harry, she chooses to run away and numb herself” Sam said that he and Harry Lee is just a friend, more than once", and was ridiculed by the drunk Sam, and the two almost tore their faces apart; Harry liked Sam, but he was tempted by Sam to say, "Am I going to change partners with someone else?" Are you dating someone who eats cat poop more often than my dog?” (hhh, I told you that you used to treat your relationship inappropriately, and you were scolded hahahahahaha) and blocked it back, and then he did not prove that he could change with actions, but Turning around, he kissed and slept with Scacia, trying to escape Sam with a new relationship. Like Sam's drunken sarcasm, Harry is an "always looking forward" guy who ducks, runs away, and throws objects away when there's a problem. They mess things up by avoiding them, and they get rid of their grievances by confronting them head on. Scacia invites Sam to her wedding to Harry's roommate Zack, apologizes to Sam, and says she's been with Harry for so long, just to prove Sam's sarcasm wrong and that the two Personally paid the price of losing Sam, it would be ridiculous if it wasn't for love; Harry also told Sam that his love for Scacia was just to wish her happiness, and finally took the responsibility with actions; Sam because Harry Deliberately concealing going to work in Los Angeles After a night of love, he told him that he was furious, accusing Harry of not understanding that his most important thing was trust, and finally Harry understood his problem. Facing the problem head-on allows them both to gain their own happiness. The actors are all good looking, Harry is sexy and sunny, Sam is cute and cute, Scasia is beautiful and handsome, and the music is very suitable for the scene. Not so smooth, which affects the viewing experience a bit. But the flaws do not hide the beauty, it is a brainless cookie, and you can take a look at it in your spare time.

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The Thing About Harry quotes

  • [pulling into their hometown]

    Sam Basilli: Not much has changed, huh?

    Harry Turpin: That's not true. There's an Applebee's where the Fuddruckers used to be.