The cycle of life and death

Al 2022-03-15 09:01:03

Came for adrien brody! The director's expression is more subtle. Maybe many people don't know what they want to express after watching it, or they have multiple understandings. In my opinion, this is a relatively boring film as a whole! The issue of life and death is mentioned many times in the film, the father died in a car accident, the eldest brother died in a car accident, the death of a poisonous snake, the death of a female conductor’s heart, the death of a child after falling into a river, the death of a tiger eating a man to the death of a poisonous snake, the birth of a conductor, and the birth of a son , the three brothers also started a new life! This is the cycle of life, living is the most important thing, life is short, all living beings are suffering, you can still live, you are a great hero, except for life and death, other things are trivial! Life is bigger than everything! Life is a journey. From life to death, the destination is important, and the scenery along the way is more important, because those unforgettable accidents, accidents, even setbacks, mistakes, and losses prove that you are truly alive! So as long as you live, everything is possible, let's run Sao Nian!

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The Darjeeling Limited quotes

  • Francis: Ok. Let's check the next itinerary.

    Peter: Fuck the itinerary.

  • Jack's Ex-Girlfriend: Whatever happens in the end, I don't want to lose you as my friend.

    Jack: I promise I will never be your friend, no matter what, ever.

    Jack's Ex-Girlfriend: If we fuck, I'm gonna feel like shit tomorrow.

    Jack: That's okay with me.