Barbara's Mysterious Plot

Alysha 2022-10-26 01:32:20

Barbara's plot line is too mysterious, and the turning point is too strange. I have searched for it several times, but I still don't understand it, and I don't understand it even after watching the second season.

Why were you so eager to participate in the first place? What happened before? Apart from the fact that the parents did not like the high-pressure family environment and then took drugs, what is the unknown past? Why do you make it seem like you used to be a gangster? Montoya completely offline? And Montoya justly warned Barbara, why is it bigger for the old love? And suddenly kidnapping ptsd without warning?

The second season is also a mystery, why is it suddenly crazy? Although the parents were drugged and killed last season, it was still very abrupt. Not to mention wake up later and become normal again? Then why did you find Tabby and Butch again?

The screenwriter is too broad in the plot, too late to tell the cause and effect...

Speaking of Barbara, Xiao Lai's character changes are not natural, not to mention that he suddenly became pregnant, why did he only persuade Gordon to leave Gotham for the sake of the child? The sudden pregnancy is also a mystery, although part of the reason is that the actor is pregnant and can't help it, but it is strange that there is no foundation. So you don't use birth control? Xiao Lai is a doctor anyway? This reminds me of Tang Jiatun's sudden car accident because the actor did not renew his contract.

Anyway, Gordon's emotional line is very mysterious. When the reporter of the third season went online, the words of the new girl's girlfriend were almost written directly on the forehead.

I doubt the screenwriter will not have a love line???

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