I don't want them together this time

Haven 2022-08-29 19:20:33

The first half of the movie is so sweet, one is slowly testing, the other is arrogant and stubborn, so that I have the illusion of how the rating can be so low. But the collapse of the plot in the second half of the movie ruined everything. In order to advance the plot, even the person he likes gets together with his best friend such a bloody plot, and the explanation behind is completely illogical, Harry said that I was trying to forget you, why did you forget The way is to be with the best friend of the person you like? ? ? You can be with anyone. And, being Sam's best friend, Stacia must have noticed Sam's fondness for Harry. But drama for the sake of drama, let the protagonist lose both his lover and friend at the same time, which is very vulgar. In the first half of the movie, Sam has already set up a good guy who doesn't know how to reject other people's characters. Why would he say such harsh words to his friends when his emotions erupted later? After all, all three of them were wrong to create such a chaotic situation. I couldn't believe how quickly Sam was able to let go of Stacia and how quickly he accepted Harry at his wedding, all these years later. After all, if something happens, there will be a knot in the heart. Harry said he wanted a true love, but when he did, he backed off and was with the best friend of the man he liked. He was immature, and these bad pasts will always be a thorn between them. In addition, the plot sets that Harry did not inform Sam in advance at all on the premise that he was going to work in the field, and then established a relationship with Sam (adding another such stalk for drama), what kind of trouble is this going to make. I was wondering how did they end up together?

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The Thing About Harry quotes

  • [pulling into their hometown]

    Sam Basilli: Not much has changed, huh?

    Harry Turpin: That's not true. There's an Applebee's where the Fuddruckers used to be.