I watch "Endless Trenches"

Kole 2022-09-06 23:32:19

Watched the Spanish 2019 movie "Endless Trench" tonight. The movie is very long, two and a half hours.

It tells a hidden story. During the Spanish Civil War, one of Franco's opponents hid in a hole in his home to escape persecution. There was a wife (and a son later) outside for cover. Originally thought that the end of World War II, the Allies will rescue themselves. Unexpectedly, the Allies compromised with Franco and continued to hunt down the CCP. He hid for 30 years, was finally pardoned, and finally walked out of the house and saw the light of day again.

The focus of the film is not on politics or war, but a detailed description of the psychological changes of the protagonist during the hiding period. Especially the family chores between him and his wife, under the premise that they had to be hidden, always seemed so hesitant to say anything. This constrained emotional conflict fills the entire screen with the fear and loneliness of the protagonist. Many dangerous situations are carried out under the peeping of a pair (or even one) eyeballs.

The director did not judge the right and wrong of politics, but through such a difficult story of a prison, let us see how people are mentally damaged in the political persecution. Yes, the rocks pierced through the air, and the waves crashed on the shore. Everything about those meat eaters was printed in the newspapers. In the field of vision of individual participants, they are nothing but bullets, shouts, and babble again and again.

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