This is the story of marriage, and it's us later

Leonard 2022-03-21 09:01:23

Text/Abandoned Curtain

Public account: Abandon the book

Do you still remember this world idol who once swept thousands of girls and mature women?

Do you still remember the characters who were grotesque, lonely, or graceful in the Haihai screen in those years?

But now, for him, what more people remember is actually this impression——

Strange to say, such a setting, although embarrassing for him, does not seem to be surprising. Charismatic prodigal son, with a turbid and pure heart, he is not good at dealing with interpersonal and ethics. A peerless stunner, even if married, will eventually divorce.

The man is the prodigal son, and the woman is the bitch. For them, marriage seems to be a customary ending. However, a news I saw a few days ago gave me a new feeling about this relationship. Certainly not a plot twist like this:

But the long-lost her:

Speak up with justice...this is true love...there are too many words on Winona Ryder, and the one that touches me the most is the kind of looking back at the sky Gentle and compassionate emotions when going to a relationship.

I'm fantasizing about Depp and Rhett right now, those happy times.

But as Tolstoy said in "Anna Karenina", happy families are always alike, and unhappy families are unhappy in their own way.

It is often this unhappiness, the fate that is placed on many families. They may not be the truly unfortunate ones, but the ones who have suffered repeated setbacks on the road to happiness.

This may be the reason why marriage is always called the grave of love - a pair of beautiful people who are obviously very happy, have been on the road of marriage for a long time, and gradually become unhappy.

However, is marriage really so terrible? It is so terrible. Why do human beings take this step again and again?

It just so happened that marriage, a topic that human beings have talked about countless times, but it is always endless, was brought to the stage to talk about it again last year:

"Marriage Story"

The 92nd Academy Awards had already settled more than a month ago. I believe that many people have already seen the movie "Marriage Story", which has been nominated for 6 Oscars.

However, the award ceremony was over in four hours, and the story of marriage was still going on in the world.

There are some things that have to be said even though they are not in time.

In the first sentence, what is "Marriage Story" about?

Charlie (Adam Driver) is a theatrical director making his way through the New York theater scene. He was self-made, determined, clear-minded and organized, but had a bad temper.

Nicole (Scarlett Johansson) is an actress who grew up in Los Angeles since she was a child. She once had a moment of fame, but after meeting Charlie, she followed Charlie to New York and became the queen of Charlie's plays. main character.

Charlie and Nicole are in love. The film begins with an 8-minute montage of how Charlie and Nicole understand each other's life. In my opinion, this is evidence of how they love each other.

Nicole knows how to listen. Giving gifts always surprises people. She is good at dealing with all kinds of trivial and difficult problems in life. She is a good mother and a playful companion.

Charlie was never easily influenced by others. For life, he has his own set of coping plans. He is quite talented. In life, always appear neat and organized. He was always able to take all of Nicole's emotions calmly.

Their family is so happy and harmonious.

However, in the eighth minute of the film, this happy time came to an abrupt end. Charlie and Nicole sit in the divorce mediation room.

It turned out that this was the beginning of the film. The title "Marriage Story" is actually about a divorce process. For two people who used to love each other so much, was divorce the only option before them? At least Charlie didn't think so.

After the two began to divorce, Charlie's first concern was not how to complete the relevant procedures in sequence, but to continue to immerse himself in the steadily advancing theatrical career. He won the MacArthur Award, and he leads the troupe, which is getting closer to the Broadway stage.

Even when he learned that Nicole had actually found a divorce lawyer to file a lawsuit with himself, his first reaction was not to take the initiative in the lawsuit. This was because he refused to entrust him with unscrupulous means and chose a moderate and peaceful divorce lawyer type. , it can be clearly seen.

The original Charlie still believed that marriage was not necessary.

Nicole, on the other hand, is the opposite of Charlie.

Nicole's role motivation is to get divorced.

Although she also wanted everything to end simply and peacefully. But at the suggestion of a colleague, she still hires Nora (Laura Dern), a strong legal woman, as her divorce lawyer.

Nora's wrist was strong, hitting Charlie's weakness directly—

Their child Henry.

Regarding the division of property, the attitude of the husband and wife is equally indifferent.

But about the custody of the child, the dispute between the two easily aroused, and it intensified.

Under Nora's aggressiveness, Charlie even dismissed the old lawyer who upheld the moderation method, and chose to hire the hard-line lawyer (Ray Liotta) who was rejected before. Ray Liotta is best known before as the lead actor in Martin Scorsese's gangster film "Goodfellas." The casting is so fun.

It is in such a chasing and chasing lawsuit that the originally extremely private marriage relationship was exposed on the trial seat. The lawyers on behalf of both parties tried their best to expose their shortcomings. Charlie and Nicole, in each other's eyes, also seem to have become disgusting.

The sweet details of the film's opening eight minutes would have been evidence of their love. In the eyes of them at the moment, it may be the factor of their separation.

If it is said that the debate in court is still through the mouth of the lawyer, the relationship between the two seems embarrassing and helpless.

Then the quarrel between the two in the apartment really revealed the ugly state and distortion of a relationship in dilapidation. They quarreled red-faced and heart-rending.

The old driver and the widow sister are tit for tat in this scene, and they are not equal to each other.

This time, the Oscar nomination, the judges will definitely take this scene into their eyes. After all, the majority of Oscar judges are composed mainly of actors. Such a hearty scene, the actors should want to play it.

The marriage relationship, in the gaze of the judicial process, appears vulnerable.

The film clearly places the justice system facing marriage in a somewhat negative position. But the judiciary has also resolved some of the ambiguous issues in marital relations on another level. This is not only where the director rides the wall, but also the love-hate relationship that Americans have for the judicial system.

Criticism of the judicial system, however, is not the subject of the film. The real, delicate, humorous and sad life details in the film are the real highlights of the film. Who are these details from?

When it comes to the second sentence here, who speaks "Marriage Story"?

"Marriage Story" is the 11th feature film written and directed by American white male director Noah Baumbach. The overall concept of the film is directly based on the marriage experience of Baumbach and his ex-wife Jennifer Jason Lee.

I believe in the restlessness that comes out of the litigation process.

Avoidance and refusal of divorce counseling.

Confused in the face of court-assigned assessors for custody decisions.

The above all come from the real emotions that Baumbach felt in that marriage relationship. Charlie was sitting in front of the assessor performing a knife stunt, but accidentally scratched his arm.

Details like this are palpable.

In addition, Baumbach grew up in New York and was born in an intellectual family. He was familiar with it since he was a child, and he was a set of values ​​of the American middle class. Think what he thinks, what he does. He walked all the way, surrounded by all kinds of literary and artistic authors and intellectuals.

Therefore, his works often choose people in this circle as the protagonists, such as the writer's family in "The Squid and the Whale".

Dancing Dream Chaser in Frances Ha.

The family members in "The Meyerowitz Story" are all made up of occupations such as artists and musicians.

"Marriage Story" is no exception, Charlie is a New York theater director, Nicole is a Los Angeles actress.

To tell a compelling story, start with the stories around you.

This seems to be an iron law of writing. Baumbach also used it effectively. So far, at least, Baumbach has never told a story beyond his own circle of life.

In fact, the plot and characters in Baumbach's works make the audience feel that the people and things in that circle seem to be like that.

But on the other hand, it has to be said that this is a narrowing of the viewing angle. And when people are immersed in a narrative state, the eyes in the same range may also be blocked.

Take "Marriage Story". Although the final ending comes from a kind of helplessness and regret on both sides, one party in the marriage is not regarded as the murderer of love. However, it is ultimately told from the mouths of men, and Baumbach, in his efforts to maintain a balanced relationship between the male and female protagonists, is clearly biased.

Let's ask first, why did Charlie and Nicole stop loving each other? Or, why did their love gradually disappear?

Here's what Nicole said when she was spitting on Nora.

Obviously, because Nicole was weak in this marriage, she decided to divorce. Charlie said Nicole was someone who knew how to listen. This proves that Nicole is always passive.

Nicole follows Charlie from Los Angeles to New York, becoming the latter's queen. But Nicole didn't want to stop there. She was looking for a chance to be a director, and Charlie always said next time, next time.

Nicole was in Los Angeles for the TV pilot, and she wanted to ask Charlie's opinion. Charlie, who was watching TV, said casually that he had no opinion because he never watched TV.

At this point, what kind of person do you think Charlie is? This seems to be in line with Charlie's character, the usual arrogance of a theater director in the face of the TV medium.

Just like Charlie came to Los Angeles from New York, always disliked the space in Los Angeles. Arrogant New Yorkers, always dislike material and tacky Los Angeles.

But the object of his arrogance also includes his lover.

But this is Charlie as always. The same kind of arrogance, in the eyes of Nicole before, was a kind of firmness. Not easily moved by the outside world.

See it. This is where the problem lies.

It's the same person who reacts the same to external things. From another person's point of view, because of the difference in time and state of mind, there are two appearances and feelings.

This is like what Nicole said to Nora at first, between her and Charlie, some problems actually existed in the early days, but because they loved each other, they were simply ignored from early in the morning.

But with the passage of time, the problem gradually surfaced.

In front of the arrogant Charlie, Nicole is always the one to follow and the one to listen. And what Nicole wants to say, what she wants to do. From Charlie's point of view, it may have been possible to delay, or even not important at all.

Finally, Nicole wants to get rid of this inequality.

Baumbach certainly saw Nicole's weakness.

But whether he really stands on Nicole's point of view and rigorously reflects on this inequality, I think it is doubtful. See how Charlie does it? Charlie has always been passive. He messed up his life to deal with divorce proceedings. He prepared with his heart, but in exchange for his son and his son, on Halloween, they went to the streets to hang out.

Granted, Charlie was also hurt in this divorce. But he never thought about the problem of this marriage. In the end, his solo performance in the bar was full of an infatuated character who had been deeply hurt.

Is that scene moving? Moving

But it is moving from a machismo perspective.

So, "Marriage Story" is a little more of a man's story. Women are always ignored to some extent. Even the most outstanding supporting role in the film, Nora, is strong from the perspective of male power.

Laura Dern won the Best Supporting Actress Oscar at the 92nd Academy Awards for this role, the only award for the 6 Oscar-nominated "Marriage Story".

Many people say that Baumbach is like another Woody Allen, with dense and humorous lines, and the New York intellectual style. Check out the men and women in Woody Allen's work. You'd say, Baumbach really isn't Woody Allen.

In the third sentence, what did "Marriage Story" not say?

Obviously, there's a detail in the middle, the last reason for Nicole to divorce in this increasingly suffocating marriage is that she finds out that Charlie is cheating.

And this matter is not discussed further in the whole film. This may be due to the blindness of the director's gender. There is another detail, when Charlie confronts Nicole in court, the judge mentions a sentence.

This sentence reveals another obstacle of the director - the obstacle of class. The identity of the director, as well as the identity of the protagonist, means that their marriage story is not the most widely radiated. Divorce procedures are cumbersome, and public justice overruns private relationships. This is naturally a very difficult thing for every couple.

But more people may not even be able to take this step. They don't have the capital to hire a smart divorce lawyer, they don't have the financial strength like Charlie, they can move from New York to Los Angeles in a second, rent an apartment, and go back and forth between New York and Los Angeles every week to fight lawsuits in Los Angeles.

Sometimes, they can only sit on the sidelines and silently watch the divorce stories of these middle-class elites, and when they go back, they face their messy lives, full of complaints or powerless sighs.

Last sentence, they ended up divorced in "Marriage Story", but has the love gone?

Charlie's words may offer some perspective on finding answers.

They still love each other, but not in the same way.

Nicole still remembers ordering food for Charlie while the two sides mediate out of court.

Nicole was still thrilled when she heard Charlie won the MacArthur Award.

That night, their actions of pushing the door together were still full of tacit understanding and knew each other.

The final paragraph of reading the letter, although a little deliberate, but through the performance of the old driver, it really shows a big tear in the film.

They were united in love, and as the days wore on, they became overwhelmed in the contract of love, and sometimes the sweet ease turned into hostility.

However, when they are truly separated and look back, those anxious years may turn into good memories . They choose the joy and warmth worthy of nostalgia, and laugh at the blood-covered anger and struggle.

A way of life at a certain stage of life that they gave up. But they had an unforgettable time in it.

At the end of the film, another Halloween, Charlie and Nicole meet again. They told each other about the recent situation, it is hard to say that they are completely relieved. But that kind of ease and naturalness is like two long-lost relatives or old friends.

Their marriage story is their divorce story, but also their love story.

It's not that they are no longer in love. But later on, they had another way of getting along.

That emotion, perhaps a little more complicated than love.

What is the relationship between marriage and love? I don't know.

But I think, at least not the grave of love.

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Extended Reading

Marriage Story quotes

  • Nora Fanshaw: People don't accept mothers who drink too much wine and yell at their child and call him an asshole. I get it. I do it too. We can accept an imperfect dad. Let's face it, the idea of a good father was only invented like 30 years ago. Before that, fathers were expected to be silent and absent and unreliable and selfish, and can all say we want them to be different. But on some basic level, we accept them. We love them for their fallibilities, but people absolutely don't accept those same failings in mothers. We don't accept it structurally and we don't accept it spiritually. Because the basis of our Judeo-Christian whatever is Mary, Mother of Jesus, and she's perfect. She's a virgin who gives birth, unwaveringly supports her child and holds his dead body when he's gone. And the dad isn't there. He didn't even do the fucking. God is in heaven. God is the father and God didn't show up. So, you have to be perfect, and Charlie can be a fuck up and it doesn't matter. You will always be held to a different, higher standard. And it's fucked up, but that's the way it is.

  • Bert Spitz: You know what this is like? This is like that joke about the woman at the hairdresser, she's going to Rome. You know this?

    Charlie: I don't.

    Bert Spitz: This woman is at her hairdresser, and she says, "I'm going to Rome on Holiday." And he says, "Oh, really? What airline are you taking?" She says, "Alitalia." He says, "Alitalia? Are you crazy? That's the worst - that's terrible. Don't take that. Where you gonna stay?" She says, "I'm gonna stay at the Hassler." "The Hassler? What, are you kidding? They're renovating the Hassler. You'll hear hammering all night long. You won't sleep. What are you gonna see?" She says, "I think I'm gonna try to go the Vatican." "The Vatican? You'll be standing in line all day long. You'll never get to see anything."

    Charlie: I'm sorry, Bert, am I paying for this joke?