"Mr. Hablo" is a French animated short film directed by Laurent Weitz. The film's time is short, but the story it tells is intriguing. The story revolves around Mr. Hublot, who lives in a mechanical world, and a mechanical dog in a mechanical world. The plot is simple and the picture is touching. At the same time, this work also successfully won the 86th Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film.
For a long time, people's attention to this film has mostly focused on the warmth between the protagonist Hablo and the mechanical dog. Of course, as material civilization becomes more and more developed, "money worship" and "egoism" intensify. Originally thought that science will bring better service to human life, but the result is that people begin to become strangers, and they don't even want to glance at them. It is only natural that the warm story of Mr. Hublow, who sacrificed his own interests for an unrelated mechanical dog and did not hesitate to move, has attracted everyone's attention. However, I think just relying on such a small warm story set in the cold industrial revolution period does not account for the full potential of this work to win the Oscar.
From beginning to end, this work is revealing many troubling facts brought about by the industrial age. Mr. Hablow's daily life is like a well-written program, everything is going on in an orderly manner, turning on the lights, sorting out old photos, drinking coffee, watering the flowers, watching TV, typing... There is not even a slight fluctuation in life, until the puppy At the beginning of the film, through the details of the door, we see that Mr. Hublow locks himself in a closet, and Mr. Hublow himself is a standard equipped with many strange and various machines The otaku; the newspaper readers on the train floating in the air, all have the same expression on their faces; even the flowers on the balcony are machines fiddled with with utility knives, and of course the mechanical dog with a miserable bark. All in all, Mr. Hublow lives in a crowded, mechanized world of steam and machines. Here, there is no such thing as human affection, some are just cold machines.
The appearance of these things does not seem to prove anything. Next, Mr. Hublow, hesitantly, brought home a stray dog from the street. This mechanical dog will swallow industrial waste as food at a fixed time every day, so this mechanical dog eats more and more. Besides eating and sleeping, the only thing he does every day is to grab TV with Mr. Hablo. Like the emergence of industrial age machines, workers are ruthlessly oppressed by greedy capitalists. The ever-increasing size of the mechanical dog invaded Mr. Hublow's living space and completely disrupted the rhythm of his life. Finally, one night, the huge mechanical dog crashed into Mr. Hublow's beloved TV. In a rage, the value on Mr. Hublow's head jumped to the top. The helpless Mr. Hublow chose to move to the large warehouse that was being rented across the street. This seems to imply that we will one day be swayed by machines. But the move this time did not completely resolve the conflict between him and the mechanical dog. The mechanical dog still hasn't stopped growing, and every time it makes more and more movements. Even if a larger living space is changed, one day it will not be able to accommodate the mechanical dog. At that time, the original lovable mechanical dog will become a big monster that threatens the safety of human beings. The funny thing is that all this is human again. Made by hand. In the future, is the choice facing mankind only to sit still? I have no idea. Such writing does not mean that we are to have an unrealistic rose-colored fantasy about ancient production and way of life. I think the author's more intention is to be thought-provoking and let us learn to be prepared for danger in this seemingly beautiful world.
The greatest success of "Mr. Hublow" is that it tells a very allegorical story, and the issues reflected through it are exactly what many of us worry about right now. In addition, the cute character modeling, the details that cannot be ignored, and the beautiful background music, I think these will be the reasons for us to wait and see for this film.
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