Why is "Chinatown" named after "Chinatown"

Desmond 2022-03-16 09:01:02

When the film "Chinatown" directed by Roman Polanski came out in 1974, it shocked the audience. The following year won the 47th Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. It is also known as the best film script in the United States in the 1970s. The story of "Chinatown" revolves around a private detective named Jack. The wife of Jack, who claimed to be a Los Angeles water conservancy engineer, asked to investigate her husband’s affair. In Jack’s investigation, the audience could find that there were many interests and conspiracies in it. None of this happened in Chinatown, and neither did the main characters in the story. Living in Chinatown, what made the director choose "Chinatown" as the title of the film? Such special reference can't help but arouse our extensive thinking. In the film, the most significant plot related to Chinatown occurs at the end of the story. When Jack finally finds the master of all conspiracies, he confronts him. Unexpectedly, at the end, justice was not served. Not only that, but the master behind the scenes owns the police station. Not only is he not responsible for the death of someone, but he can also get everything he wants. And this final confrontation and dispute happened in Chinatown. The last line of the film is that a partner of the police station took Jack away from the scene and sent him home and said: "Forget it, Jack, this is Chinatown." It implies that Chinatown is an "extra-legal" where justice cannot be done. land". The powerful can make any dirty transactions here, and it is reasonable that the master behind the scenes is not caught here. But is this really the case? Does the plot where justice cannot be done really only happen in Chinatown? In a certain investigation, Jack discovered that someone quietly drained the water in the city's reservoir at night to irrigate other land and obtain benefits. Morale, the local water conservancy engineer, was killed because he knew this secret, and until the end the murderer was not brought to justice. None of this happened in Chinatown. What the director wants to express seems to be not limited to a small area. The film will be named after Chinatown, not because the final incident took place here, which prevented justice from being served; instead, the name "Chinatown" is used to allude to many injustices in the world. In the film, Chinatown not only appears as a place name, it also carries the past of the hero of the story, Jack. It was a memory Jack wanted to forget. Only in the process of getting along with Morale's wife did he vaguely reveal that period of time was related to injustice and to a woman he admired. He left because he could no longer bear the darkness of Chinatown, forgetting the past and starting a new life, and when a similar incident happened again, when another beloved woman died in front of him, but he could not get justice, we As viewers, we can all experience the huge shock and despair in Jack's heart. We will always ask ourselves deep down: how do we survive in such an unfair world. Everyone has a past. Where there is light, there must be darkness. There is happiness and luck in the memories of the past. We are all working hard to carry the past and move towards the future. People in Chinatown are also working hard to live their lives. When injustices happen, the corners of their eyes will get wet. In the misery of life, there are many times when we have to compromise with reality. There may be darkness in life, but as long as we don't extinguish the candle in our hearts, there is always hope that we will reach the other side.

Author: One meter

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Chinatown quotes

  • Jake Gittes: Look, I do matrimonial work, It's my metiay. When a wife tells me that she's happy her husband is cheating on her, it runs contrary to my experience.

    Evelyn Mulwray: Unless what?

    Jake Gittes: She was cheating on him.

  • Jake Gittes: Does my talking about your father upset you?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Why, no! Yes, a little. You see Hollis and my fa - my father had a falling out - finally.

    Jake Gittes: Over you or over the water department?

    Evelyn Mulwray: Not over me. Why should it - be over me?