like the wind

Earline 2022-01-26 08:12:31

Sadness is the hunting cold wind that runs through the film, and it never stops for a moment.

At funerals, at weddings, in the mountains, in the meadows.

This is a village built out of sadness.

A group of people who have lost relatives and friends hide here. They think that the sadness is caused by the outside world, so they make up supernatural stories to prevent future generations from contacting the outside world.

But sadness is like a dog, it can smell everyone and won't let anyone run away.

Even if there is no external force, there will be diseases, unsuccessful love, and the end of life.

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny. This is difficult to complete.

There is no better way for the elders, but they can only do their best to give their children and grandchildren the best protection they think they can.

Noah had no better way but to kill his rival, and then pretend to be a monster to intercept his sweetheart who ran away alone.

Lucius had no better way, so he could only sit in front of the porch of Ivy's house all night, guarding silently.

Even Ivy has no better way, so he can only continue his father's lie and grope all the way with fear.

Everything is to escape sorrow, everything starts with kindness, but always more or less, mixed with cruelty and sacrifice.

The narrative is also sad, not shocking, not dramatic, not eye-catching.

Romance, there is no princess holding high, no passionate kiss under the sunset.

Only Ivy's outstretched trembling hand was held by Lucius and danced in slow motion.

There is also a world that suddenly quiets down, and a string that is suddenly pushed up.

Hatred, there is no joy in the flesh and blood, and there is not even a picture of a knife piercing.

Only Lucius raised his eyebrows slightly, and Noah's eyes were red with grief and indignation.

There was also a small knife that was slowly drawn out. The blade was all dyed red with blood, and the tip of the knife was stuck with long bloodshots.

There is no clear line between good and bad, no obvious opposition between love and hate.

A thriller that lacks refreshment is like drinking Sprite without bubbles.

As a genre film, yes, it's kind of boring.

But it is this insensitive and slow emotion that is the more real state, which makes people empathize with the film.

To tell a good, sad story.

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The Village quotes

  • Noah Percy: [about to have a footrace] No cheating!

    Ivy Walker: What a deeply scandalous thing to say! I insist you take that back! Is that the school bell?

    [runs off]

  • Ivy Walker: We ought not to return right away, huh? What shall we do with our stolen time? Hmm...

    Noah Percy: Hmm...

    Ivy Walker: Hmm... Shall we have a foot race?

    Noah Percy: Yes!

    Ivy Walker: Up the hill to the resting rock?

    Noah Percy: [points accusingly] No cheating.

    Ivy Walker: What a deeply scandalous thing to say. I insist you take it back. Is that the school bell?

    [as Noah turns to look, she bolts and runs]

    Noah Percy: [turns back, runs after Ivy] Ivy, you cheated!