Three old comrades in one play

Eleanora 2022-09-05 20:49:45

The story of the funeral of three retired veterans.

The movie starts at Old White's bar.

When Larry sat in the old white bar, old white was chatting and bragging with people, completely ignoring him. He ordered a bottle of beer, greeted each other, and finally couldn't help showing off: Look carefully, who am I?

Only then did Lao Bai stop joking, looked at him carefully, and finally shouted in surprise: "Damn, aren't you that person?"

Larry and Lao Bai are old comrades-in-arms. They have carried guns and dug trenches together. Their parents were soldiers of World War II, and their bloody army spirit has been inherited to them.

I haven't seen each other for decades, and I was very drunk.

Lao Bai asked him: How did you find me?

Larry said that through the Internet, a search on the Internet will find you.

Lao Bai said, don't make trouble, be serious, why did you come to me?

Larry lowered his head, unable to see the expression on his face: I came to you because of my son.

The night passed, and the sky was already dimly lit. Larry just told Lao Bai, let's go somewhere, do you know what Da Zhuang is doing now? You will know when you go.

Lao Bai's slutty character, you can hear this. go.

Look what Da Zhuang has become now.

The car stopped next to a church.

Old Bai wondered: here?

Larry said, you'll know when you go in. Don't be happy when you go in, don't make a sound. I can remind you.

After entering, they found the back seat and sat down.

Looking up, isn't the pastor on the stage Da Zhuang? In addition to being surprised, Lao Bai couldn't help laughing and whistling. The lady next to him kept blaming him.

At the end of the lecture, Da Zhuang said, we have a new visitor here, please introduce yourself.

Old White and Larry got up. Old White grinned at him, hello everyone, I'm Old White, a retired US Marine Corps sergeant, hey, look at this one next to him, you see who he is, it's Larry, we used to talk to your pastor serve together.

"God bless"

Da Zhuang also recognized them.

Da Zhuang invited two old comrades to dinner at home.

Da Zhuang is also a person of status now, and the home is furnished in a stylish and organized manner. However, Da Zhuang is now a strict wife, and especially likes to listen to the words of black daughter-in-law.

At the old white rice table, he began to play the essence of his talkativeness and talked about the past.

"I was going to kill some communists in San Diego, but they didn't show up, hey, can you believe it? People go to Vietnam for a fucking vacation, and they pay big bucks to take pictures there, in that 52,000 young American sacrifices place, damn it."

Da Zhuang: "Are you discharged from the army because of this?"

Lao Bai pointed to his head, "I was discharged from the army because of a 100% head injury. This is good news."

During the nonsense process between Da Bai and Da Zhuang, Larry remained silent.

"Larry, don't you eat your stuff? What's wrong with you."

Dazhuang said, "No matter what the problem is, you'd better speak up."

So Larry told them,

I am here because of my son, and because of him, I found you.

Just the other day, someone told me, little Larry, that he was killed.

They said he was in Baghdad when the escort was ambushed and his weapon was not loaded.

Everyone, including Da Zhuang's daughter-in-law, fell silent.

"God bless."

Dabai said, I will accompany you to bury your son. Don't worry, Da Zhuang, although he said he didn't want to go, his wife would have to let him go in a while, he was obedient.

Sure enough, Da Zhuang was instructed by his daughter-in-law, saying that as a pastor, how can you ensure that little Larry is safe and sound on the road.

Big Zhuang said, okay, and then muttered in a low voice, but unfortunately there is only clingy shit.

Da Zhuang's daughter-in-law: "Walter, how do you say dirty words, Da Zhuang?"

"Feel sorry."

Then, the three old comrades have formed a good team, Lao Bai is driving his antique car, Larry is the co-pilot, and Da Zhuang is the back row.

Lao Bai couldn't be idle while driving, and began to play passionately with the big truck, scolding each other in the air.

Da Zhuang had always been concerned about his identity, but at this time he finally changed back to his former self.

"You TM, I have a wife and children at home. CNDY, Lao Bai!"

Old Bai laughed wildly, hahahaha, this TM is you.

Arriving at the body hall, the corporal of the Navy was in charge of condolences and handover to the family members, and a soldier stood beside him.

Lao Bai took advantage of Larry to see the body, took the opportunity to chat with Xiao Bing, and learned that his name was Washington. Lao Bai asked him, how are you and little Larry, tell me.

It turned out that they really have a good relationship, they are comrades in arms, and they are very good friends.

Washington secretly told Lao Bai and Da Zhuang the truth. Little Larry was not killed by a sneak attack during an escort mission, but was in a supermarket in Abdul. Shot and killed, then gave him a black hat.

"Oh, God."

Old White stood up to tell Larry the truth and questioned the corporal whose face was full of lies.

Walking closer, Lao Bai hesitated when he saw Larry's grief.

However, Lao Bai couldn't help it and asked the corporal what was going on.

"This corporal performed well, filled with justice and honor, and died like a hero."

Lao Bai said, don't do this, there are heroes lying here, tell me how little Larry died.

The corporal was unaware and could only make excuses.

Finally Larry said, "I want to send my son's body home, no need to send it to the Martyrs' Cemetery, no need for military escort."

This time, the corporal was anxious, "How can I do it? What if you go back and punish me like this? No, according to the regulations, the body cannot be directly handed over to the family, unless there are licensed funeral personnel or priests."

Big Zhuang, eh? who called me.

The three of them pushed the coffin out, but Lao Bai couldn't take the broken car with him. Go rent a big truck.

Old Bai drove the big truck again.

Larry was behind his son's body.

Laobaizui still couldn't be idle, and began to ridicule God and his old man.

"This god has no eyes."

Da Zhuang: "Let me tell you, God's people who have ledgers will write them down for you."

"Oh? Then tell me, where was he when there was a child sexual abuse case in the world? Where was he when the plane hit that building?"

"If I'm on the record, then I'll have a chance to communicate with God, and I'll ask him, where were you when the tragedies happened? I'm not going to explain what I did, I want you to Explain what you did."

"At the end, he'll say, Hey, come on in, you're a lot like my friend."

After the car stopped, Lao Bai went to talk to Larry for a while.

Larry talks about burying his son's remains.

"I'm not going to bury a navy, I just want to bury my kids."

Later, they were intercepted by the military.

After another coordination, both sides made concessions. The corporal with the face of lies, sent Washington to escort the body and went back with the three of them. Before leaving, he solemnly emphasized, don't be brainwashed by that old white! He's a retired old man! You are the navy! you're a soldier! You have to obey orders! Did you hear it!


The four and a coffin got on the train.

Washington took the initiative to guard the body, in the cold train storage room.

The three old comrades chatted for a while and felt that it was not right, how could they throw the child there. So, I asked the conductor to watch for a while, and asked him to come and sit in the carriage for a while.

They chatted, three old comrades in the past when they served in the past, Washington talked about the current situation of the military. I found that, after so many years, many things have not been the same.

"I don't mind being a member of ordinary people, but I'd rather fight there than in my own backyard." Washington talked about his views.

"Does this sound familiar?"

"We fought the GCD in Vietnam so we didn't have to fight them on Malibu beaches."

We thought the same thing back then.

"I think my son must have been disappointed in me at the time," Larry said. Because when he happened, I was still in confinement.

Washington said, no, little Larry kept telling me that he was happier than us because he had a happy childhood, a father and mother who treated him well, and a beautiful house to live in.

In this way, as the train galloped away. Time is slowly approaching night.

At night, the four ran to the pantry to drink.

That's how people are. When they talk about it, and if they take advantage of the wine, they start to take offense.

"We ended up at Disney to get a lost Larry excited..."

Washington interrupted them, "Wait, does Vietnam have Disney?"

Lao Bai and Da Zhuang looked at Washington's puzzled look, laughed dumbly, and then leaned forward and back together, breathless. It also shows the hands of victory, which means that if you look at it, I can guess that he does not understand this stalk.

It turned out that "Disney" was what they called the local JY at the time. Larry was a few years younger than them, and the big buddies took Larry to go shopping at that time, and he broke it.

"It actually felt pretty good," Larry recalled. The four burst into laughter again.

Lao Bai asked Washington, don't be happy, when are you?

Washington replied, "13."

"Fuck. Look at it. Young and promising."

When the train arrived at the station midway, Lao Bai Zhang and the other three went to buy a mobile phone, and Da Zhuang was dragged along reluctantly.

Da Zhuang said, hurry up, the train will leave after a while.

Lao Bai said, I think all three of us need to get a mobile phone. Look how sexy these phones are.

"Sexy your sister."

Lao Bai said, just like your legs, if you fall into the ditch, what will you do? Can only be there miserable cry for help ah help me. But with this phone it's different, you can call me for help.

The saleswoman also agreed, "You can also call 911, it's free."

In the end, Da Zhuang was persuaded by them and bought the mobile phone.

When he went out, Da Bai took Da Zhuang to make fun of him.

Slipped behind, called Dazhuang and said I was God.

Da Zhuang, lying grass, who are you?

my god. Have you been fighting all the time and visiting brothels?

Da Zhuang hurriedly looked around, and found Lao Bai who was calling with a smirk and wanted to kidnap him.

At this time, the old white phone rang again. Is the conductor.

"No, you can't come back. The train has left. Let's go next."

The three were immediately stunned.

Eventually they got on the train and headed back to their town.

Lao Bai proposed to see the mother who sacrificed his comrade-in-arms. His mother was also deceived by lies for many years. The military did not tell the truth of his son's death.

Just saying, your son is a hero.

Arriving at her home, the old man smiled happily, as if he had seen acquaintances for many years.

Several people stammered for a long time,

Lao Bai finally said, we are here to tell you the truth.

The old man was stunned, thinking of something again, and tremblingly said,

"Are you comrades saved by him? I heard that he saved a few comrades before he died."

"Yes, we are. Your son was a great man, and we will never forget him."

"Thank you." The old man said goodbye with tears.

The eve of the funeral.

Larry is fitting on his son's body. He had said before that he didn't want to dress his son in Navy clothes and wanted him to wear bachelor's clothes.

However, after Washington read it, he said it was too small. He definitely can't wear it now.

Helpless, Larry agreed, or wear navy clothes.

As the ceremony was about to begin, Washington sent Larry a letter.

This is the letter they exchanged as good friends at the time.

Larry opens the letter written by his son.

It talks about how to love your job, how to love the navy, and comfort your father that if you sacrifice yourself, you don't have to be sad. He thought it was worth it. He would watch his father with his late mother.

Larry was in tears.

This is a film that has nothing to do with war and politics, just a plot about men, wars about self, lies against truth, and a slow reconciliation with life.

If you like chatter movies, I recommend this drama.

These three people are like the American version of the threesome, and they are like the iron triangle of Ji Xiaolan with iron teeth and copper teeth, all kinds of gags, and talking about their own views and insights. very interesting.

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Last Flag Flying quotes

  • Sal Nealon: [about his dead son] We're taking him with us today.

    Colonel Wilits: With all due respect, sir, you're cutting off your nose to spite your face.

    Sal Nealon: Hey. Colonel. Did you look at these faces? They've already been spited, so why should we give a fuck about your opinions? - With all due respect.

  • Sal Nealon: Man, I would've loved to run into you in the field in my younger days.

    Colonel Wilits: You really think so?

    Sal Nealon: Oh, yeah. 'Cause one of us would have been fragged. And the other would've gone to the brig.