Very enjoyable soft science fiction thriller comedy (with spoilers)

Marcelino 2021-10-13 13:07:24

After watching get out in the cinema today, I feel too! pass! addiction! NS! It's funny and scary, the screenwriter's brains are big, and there is a little sci-fi taste, all kinds of elements are mixed together just right. Several characters in the movie are particularly interesting to me. I want to share them below.

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I think the most interesting character is a black maid. The other two blacks who have been brainwashed will wake up when they are stimulated by flashing lights. However, the maid seems to have her own consciousness surging out when she does not need external stimuli. In two scenes, the maid’s self-consciousness is revealed. One is when she is pouring tea, she seems to be a little free. The other time was when the male protagonist Chris told her that she was uncomfortable being surrounded by white people. She smiled and said no no no no no, while tears came out. In black culture, black women are seen as stronger and smarter. Perhaps the movie is also alluding to this culture: it is precisely because this black woman has a relatively strong sense of autonomy, her consciousness has always been fighting.

The other is a black policewoman. White men in the U.S. police account for the vast majority. There are already fewer black police officers and even fewer black female police officers. When Chris' good friend Rob went missing, he was received by a black policewoman. However, the policewoman did nothing. (Of course, most people think that Rob's ideas are unconstrained, and Rob's accent is really hard to get serious, haha.) Inaction is an accomplice in a sense. The core of this film is the issue of ethnic conflict in the United States. If the minorities do not act, then they will be like Chris's mother who fell on the side of the road and gradually lost blood and died like Chris' mother.

Nobody in the town seems to be normal, including these white people. After watching the movie, they realized that when they saw black people, it was like looking at pork in a vegetable market. The routines of middle-aged and elderly people are very deep, kind and friendly on the surface, and extremely selfish and cruel in their hearts. It seems that young people only mentioned the heroine and the heroine's brother. The heroine's brother seems to be hypnotized too. The heroine's brother is very irritable, and it is difficult to control his emotions (maybe it is a hypnotic sequelae). When the heroine's brother was about to make trouble at the dinner table, the mother was forbidden by a word. Although it is normal for the mother to discipline her son, her tone is like a psychiatrist disciplining the patient. Unlike her brother, the heroine has been completely domesticated. My brother thought to come may have opposed this practice, but then he became an accomplice in the district service.

In addition, I don't know why, but I always feel that the eyes of the male lead are very similar to those of the deer. The injured deer may also hint at the future encounters of the male protagonist. More importantly, the fact that the male protagonist lost his mother when he was young was indeed a breakthrough for him to hypnotize him. If there is no such thing, the doctor may not find his sunken place (sunken place), and there is no way to hypnotize him. What happened to the deer was like that of his mother. If the fawn is arranged by the hostess's house, this routine is really too deep!

Finally, let's end with a dialogue in the play. Chris knew that he was about to be called a container of other people’s consciousness and asked, "Why black people (why are always black people)?" The white man on the TV said, "It's not like that. Some people want power, some people I want speed, some people want fashion,..., and I want your eyes, it has nothing to do with skin color." At first glance, I thought this answer made sense, but in fact, it didn't answer Chris' question at all. If it's just to pursue these things, why are all people who become containers black? In fact, this is the usual excuse for racial discrimination in the United States-"We do not rent houses to blacks/Mexicans/Chinese people. It is not racial discrimination, but just because your conditions are not as good as others." Ethnicity is not because of our racial discrimination, but they really did not meet the target", etc. Even under such extreme circumstances in the movie, white people still have to conceal their discriminatory heart against black people. From the beginning, they said that they supported Obama, and later denied that black people were called targets because of their skin color. This is total hypocrisy! Therefore, there is another point of enjoyment in the film, which is the bloody tearing of the hypocritical mask of racial equality in American society. The final act of killing the doctor with the reindeer head is nothing short of performance art!

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Get Out quotes

  • Chris Washington: Do they know I'm - Do they know I'm black?

    Rose Armitage: No. Should they?

    Chris Washington: It seems like something you might want to, you know, mention.

    Rose Armitage: Mom and Dad, my black boyfriend will be coming up this weekend and I just don't want you to be shocked that he's a black man - a black.

    Chris Washington: So, I was the first black guy you ever dated.

    Rose Armitage: Yeah, so what?

    Chris Washington: Yeah, so this is uncharted territory for them. You know, I don't want to get chased off the lawn with a shotgun.

    Rose Armitage: You're not going to. First of all, my Dad would have voted for Obama a third time if he could've. Like, the love is so real.

  • Rod Williams: I'm mad at you because you never take my advice.

    Chris Washington: Like what?

    Rod Williams: Like don't go to a white girl's parents' house. What is she doin'? Lickin' your balls or somethin'?