I like someone's silence

Millie 2022-08-29 20:43:51

In all fairness, it's the most comforting gay movie I've seen in recent years. Although the plot is old-fashioned and the narration is unclear, it is good to pass the time, not to mention that there are such handsome actors, it is worth spending more than an hour.

In addition to Thai dramas, which have become more and more popular in this subject in recent years, other countries are still niche after all, and even avoid touching this subject. So it's refreshing to see such a movie at this time.

Aside from its flaws, the fact that homosexuality in this film can appear in the society aboveboard and not be ridiculed by others, as if it is an ordinary thing that can no longer be ordinary, is worthy of my praise for this drama. .

Talking about the plot, although it is old-fashioned, like Jinjiang's romance novels, but sometimes such a brainless movie is also a good choice, not to mention such a good-looking body, and I am the second male's clothes. Love it, especially the denim.

But there is one thing in the play that I still care about, that is, what would you do if your best friend got together with the person you like? It sounds like the Chinese version of the temptation to go home. Although I have a good impression in my heart, but because of some worries, I dare not say it out loud, but I have been preempted by myself for a long time. Thinking about it, it is unforgivable.

It's not that I can't forgive others, but I can't forgive myself. It's just that I can't find an excuse to express my anger, so I will take anger on others to cover up my true thoughts. In the final analysis, I still don't have enough confidence in myself and I don't have enough courage, so I will miss it again and again.

Speaking of the end, although the plot is average, the second male's appearance and figure are really nothing to say. I don't know when I can find such an excellent boyfriend. It's really a drought and a flood, and a flood!

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The Thing About Harry quotes

  • [pulling into their hometown]

    Sam Basilli: Not much has changed, huh?

    Harry Turpin: That's not true. There's an Applebee's where the Fuddruckers used to be.