What should I do if a real world plague breaks out?

Sandrine 2022-03-17 09:01:02

Thoughts on "28 Days of Shocking Change"

Take time to die of the plague

The picture quality is too scumbag, the age is very old, the sound of the picture is made of garbage, the rhythm is also garbage, the narrative is reluctant, and I insist on reading it. Give three stars.

The reason for the three stars is inspiration. Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. This movie proposes a very interesting direction for thinking, and now it happens to be during the epidemic again.

What should I do if the urban plague spreads?

The commander said very well, protection is the second, and the first is reconstruction.

The father and daughter in the building are also experimenting with the circulatory system, fighting a protracted battle.

Zombies are also creatures, and creatures need nutrition if they want to survive. Live for the longest time.

live. Choose a house to protect it from wind and rain.

eat. It's best to find a farm where you can grow the land. Thinking about it this way, a rural area with a large area and sparsely populated area is a good place.

water. Tic Tac Toe.

Clothes. This is easy to solve. Bringing more clothes is enough to wear for ten years.

Row. Reserve enough gasoline, drive, and find a farm that can make a protracted battle. In the farm area, you can ride a bicycle, the best choice without consuming energy.

The city must not stay, canned food will not last long. At the time of the outbreak, I stored enough water and food for ten and a half days and drove to the farm. The farm is a recyclable reconstruction base. Before the crops are grown by themselves, they need to be transported to a place where there is food. Cars and gasoline are very important at this stage.

Or find a place where there is enough wheat and rice in the countryside.

In this way, in China, where rural areas still occupy most of the population, the plague has not spread so quickly. Especially in places like the Taihang Mountains, there are countless remote villages in the mountains. Both are excellent recyclable bases that isolate the outside world.

In addition to the special medicine, the plague focuses on isolation. Settle down in the mountain ditch, set up a subsidence or set up an isolation zone on a high slope.

Of course there is also soft power. To build an orderly society in Shangougou villages, where there are people, there are political finances. The voting parliamentary system. Group decision-making. Such as division of labor, resource allocation, whether to recruit survivors, and series of emergency measures to deal with accidents.

Take time to eradicate the plague.


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28 Days Later... quotes

  • [Corporal Mitchell makes fun of Private Bell's dinner comment]

    Private Bell: We'll have eggs again, once everything's back to normal.

    Corporal Mitchell: Ah, you moppet! I mean, look at him, eh? Look - He's still waiting for Marks and Spencer's to re-open.

  • [Corporal Mitchell sees an infected step on a land mine, bouncing onto another land mine]

    Corporal Mitchell: Fucking hell! He bounced!

    Sergeant Farrell: Cease fire!

    Corporal Mitchell: I ain't never seen anything like that in my fuckin' life!