If you've seen Mulholland Drive

Vergie 2022-09-02 23:00:03

summary of the story:

The protagonist, Goodman, is a professor who specializes in discovering the mysterious villains behind supernatural events. He does not believe in evil. Since he was a child, he has watched programs explaining paranormal phenomena by science, and his idol is Professor Cameron, a maniac fighting counterfeiters. One day, Cameron sent an invitation, inviting him to investigate three paranormal events, in order to prove that the supernatural does not exist.

Event 1: Tony the Night's Watch

Tony is an old man in his 40s or 50s. His wife died young and his daughter became a vegetative state in the ward due to illness. One night, he kept a vigil at an abandoned women's mental hospital, and strange things happened frequently. Either the room was suddenly out of power, or there was no one when someone knocked on the door. Tony went downstairs again and again with a flashlight to search. Finally, when he inspected an abandoned house in the underground, he found that there were many puppet dolls. At the same time, the door was suddenly closed. He tried to open the door, but saw a man wearing a yellow clothes The weird doll in the skirt walked towards him, he didn't dare to move, the doll's nails brushed his arm and finally reached his mouth.

Incident 2: Young Rifkind

Rifkind was a teenager but had a bad relationship with his family. Now he was driving his own car without a license on the forest trails. When night fell, his father called and asked him where he had gone, why he had not submitted his college dorm bill, and why he was a liar. Facing his father's growl, Rifkind was reluctant. Perfunctory, and then no signal he hung up his father's phone. Suddenly his car was loaded with an object, he got out of the car to check, it turned out to be a monster with a sheep's head, he jumped into the car in fear, and drove away. Unfortunately, the car ran out of gas soon, stopped halfway, and the mobile phone lost signal. He could only jump out of the car and call for help. After making the phone call and returning to the car, he suddenly felt that there were other people prying around, and suddenly the goat-headed monster he hit appeared and jumped into his car, he abandoned the car in fear and fled into the jungle, hiding in the After a tree, the face of a sheep-headed monster appeared on the tree. The tree seemed to have life, and the branches surrounded the boy.

Event 3: Mike who lost his wife and son

Mike's wife is a workaholic, and she must wait until she is ready to think about childbirth. So that when she was pregnant, she was a 40-year-old mother, and while her wife was in the hospital, something strange happened at home. The things in the baby room suddenly moved by themselves. For example, the paper box of napkins fell to the ground out of thin air, and the small wind chimes of the stroller spun by themselves. One day, he suddenly heard all kinds of strange noises in the baby room, very loud, as if someone was cleaning the house. Mike went to check and found that the house was empty, except that the crib seemed to be sitting on a white bed cover covering the whole body. Mike stepped forward, and the object inside the white bed cover seemed to be lying back on the bed. At this time, in the distance, Mike Seeing his deceased wife come to him with claws and claws. After saying all this, Mike suddenly shot himself and died in front of Goodman.

After listening to the accounts of the three parties, Goodman thought it was very absurd and was tricked by Cameron, so he went to his room to find him theories. Cameron smiled, tore the human skin mask from his face and turned it into the face of the dead Mike again. He leads Goodman out of Cameron's squalid cabin to the truth of all events.

The truth:

Goodman should be a supernatural fraud master. His wife focused on work and became an elderly mother, and she died in the end. After his wife and daughter died, he hid himself in the car and tried to commit suicide by suffocating, but he failed to commit suicide and turned into a vegetative state. The attending doctor on his ward is Mike, the nurse is Rifkind, and the cleaner is Tony. So he had a long dream.

In the first incident, his longing and guilt for his dead daughter turned into a fantasy.

In the second incident, Rifkind should be a portrayal of his youth, a liar, and a very poor relationship with his parents. Hit the monster with the head of the sheep, this image is to be connected with a wrong thing he did

When he was young, he was the target of bullying. That day, he was blocked by two bullies at the entrance of a sewer tunnel. The numbers were written by two bullies (I guess). There is no light in the sewer channel, and the more you go in, the narrower the channel opening, and the thinner the air. He didn't want to enter. At this time, another imbecile looked at them curiously. The two bullies suddenly came to be interested in instigating the imbecile to enter the sewer. Unexpectedly, the imbecile had an asthma attack in the passage. Goodman could have rescued him, asked adults for help, etc., but he left. This incident became Goodman's heart disease.

My understanding is that the teenager bumped into someone, but didn't rescue him. Just like indirectly killing the imbecile, the dream here brings Goodman closer to the truth little by little.

In the third incident, it was his memory of his wife.

In the end, Goodman followed the resurrected Mike suspiciously and walked to the sewer gate where he had been bullied. The immature boy jumped out in the same clothes, his face soaked in sewage, and pulled him to the hospital bed where he had been imprisoned for many years. He cried and said, don't do it again, please, don't do it again.

Then, in the last 20 minutes, we got to know the truth of everything. For Goodman, is it all over again?

The first half of the story is like an expert investigating supernatural events, but as the parties narrate, we find that the logic of the normal story has begun to diverge. If you have watched "Mulholland Drive", you may be more familiar with this routine. The images in the fantasy are real objects in the real scene. It's just that the dreamer mixes them up to make a sad story. .

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Ghost Stories quotes

  • Tony Matthews: You'll think I'm mad.

  • Mike Priddle: You ever killed anything?

    Professor Goodman: Certainly not.

    Mike Priddle: Nothing you'll admit to, eh?