As long as people want to fight, they will always find some inexplicable excuse

Braden 2022-03-14 14:12:23

This article was first published on the public account: Theater7

The harm that war brings to human beings is immeasurable, and the pain it brings to a family can even last for generations.

No. 7 Rating: 8.47


Jenny and Simon, twins living in Canada, have left a will from their recently deceased mother, Navarr (Lubana Azbar).

They were surprised by the contents of the will, which mentioned that their unknown and masked father was still alive, and not only that, they were also told that they had an older brother.

Although it was difficult to accept, they also had to follow their will to go to the Middle East to find their father and brother, otherwise the mother could not be buried.

Due to the language barrier and the unfamiliar environment, the sister and brother had many difficulties on their way to find their relatives, and also brought up the unknown past of their mother.

Mother Nawal's family are Christians and they live in a small village in the south.

Nawal's boyfriend, Wahab, is a Muslim refugee, and they are not allowed to be together because of their religious opposition.

Fate always plays tricks on people. After a while, Navarr became pregnant with Wahab's child, and the two had to run away.

On the way, she was stopped by Naval's brother, Wahab was shot and killed on the spot, and she was also taken back to accept the punishment.

Navarre gave birth to a baby boy soon after, but her behavior could not be forgiven by the family.

In order to avoid death, she could only leave her newborn child and go to her uncle Shabel alone.

Years passed, and Naval had completed his studies with his uncle, when war broke out.

The Christian right-wing National Army expelled and killed refugees at the border, while Muslim refugees in the south were armed under Chasendin.

Shabel received news that Chasendine had attacked a Christian village in the south, and Nawal feared for her son's safety, so she decided to go back to the south to find him.

The road was heavily guarded, and there were cars everywhere with families fleeing.

After many setbacks, Nawal finally returned to the village, but there were only girls in the village, and others told her that the boys were all in the Kafakao orphanage.

When Naval arrived at the orphanage, Kafakao was in ruins.

She learns that the Christians in Kafakao have been killed by Chasendine and that the children may have gone to Camp Theresa with Muslim refugees.

Naval burst into tears. She knew that the possibility of finding her son was very small, but she did not give up hope and immediately set off to Camp Theresa.

On the way, Nawal saw a bus going to Teresa's camp. She hid her cross and put on a headscarf, dressed as a Muslim and got on the bus.

Navarr, who had not slept for a long time, was so sleepy that he closed his eyes. Suddenly the bus stopped, and the patrolling National Army stopped the car, and a massacre began.

Naval took out the cross to prove that he was a Christian to avoid being killed. But she still couldn't save a little girl in the same car.

This close slaughter left a mark on her heart, like a raging fire that could not be extinguished for a long time.

At this time, Naval had only hatred for Christians, and she decided to take refuge in Chasendine.

But to gain Chasendine's trust, she must complete a mission: assassinate the leader of the National Army...

Video Analysis

Through a two-line narrative, the film uses realistic shooting techniques to show the audience the contrast between the war era and the peaceful era, and finally tells us through the extremely cruel truth at the end that the harm caused by war is incalculable and unimaginable. .

In my opinion, the background of the film may not be so important, because the impact of the film itself is enough to make us feel the cruelty of the war. I can understand that the director wants to convey the attitude of "anti-war". has been reached.

The war has turned the beautiful land into scorched earth, and the fanatical belief in religion has turned the beautiful love into the tragedy of life. The film shows some things that we cannot empathize with when we live in peaceful times, and some passages reflect the conflict between faith and life that we cannot understand.

I believe that human life is the foundation of all things. The formation and development of any religion should be based on respect for life. If belief in religion is an excuse for destroying life, what is the significance of human development of religion?

The film presents the catastrophe brought about by religious opposition in a straightforward manner. The war may end soon, but the suffering it has brought to human beings may last for generations.

At the beginning of the film, Naval's brother not only shot and killed her boyfriend but also wanted to kill her. He believed that Naval "sullied the honor of the family". The confrontation about religion is particularly profound in the middle of the film. Naval was stopped by Christians on the bus on the way to Theresa. The whole bus, including the children, was shot and killed. Only she survived by relying on a cross. In the eyes of the thugs, those with different beliefs deserve to die. Whether they are family members or not, those with the same beliefs can save their lives, regardless of whether they know you or not.

This paragraph is very ironic. It is also Nawal who wears a headscarf as a Muslim, and a cross on his hand is a Christian. This makes me wonder what the meaning of faith is. Maybe religion is just a tool for different positions. . As long as people want to fight, they will always find some inexplicable excuse.

In Naval's eyes, her lover died in the hands of Christians, and her child's life and death were unknown, and the Christian's shot at the little girl on the bus made her almost unable to have much hope of finding her child, which also made her decide Incentives to betray the family. Religion or revenge for loved ones, she chose the latter.

In such an environment, people are living in pain and hatred. When children do not get a good education, they will even become executioners and regard other people's lives as grass.

After watching this film, I can't help but wonder, what makes faith surpass family affection and humanity? Life has taught us violence, but can violence really solve problems?

Anyone's life should be respected, and war is an extreme act at the expense of life. In the film, Naval became pregnant twice, especially the second time, which was extremely humiliating and terrifying. She even tried to kill the fetus in her womb, but in the end she gave birth to the child. After all, the child is innocent and they have the right to live. , which contrasts with the previous massacre.

Triggering a war is often an extreme political and diplomatic means, but at this time, where should the innocent masses go? May the world be at peace and every life can be respected.

At the beginning of human beings, nature is inherently good, and every child has the right to live. The so-called belief should be based on the premise of cherishing life.

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