To put it simply, the director wants to make a metaphor of war between things and civilizations. At the beginning of the film is a piece of Islamic music, and then the location points to northern Iraq, and the architecture is very similar to Erbil.
The four winged gods that appeared obviously had an Assyrian style. But the handsome bird of Assyrian sculpture turned into an ugly demon face.
The Mesopotamia is the origin of Eastern civilization in the eyes of the West, and the division between East and West comes from Herodotus's Hippocratic War. Assyria predates the Persian Empire, and was extremely powerful at the time. At that time, Greece was still a small city-state vying with each other. Not to mention what happened to the Catholic Church later. So when the priest saw the things unearthed in the cave, he said in a puzzled way that they are not of the same age.
Yes, that silver coin is too modern, it has letters, it says St. Joseph, and it is holding a child. Saint Joseph is the adoptive father of Jesus, and his statue usually holds a boy. But if you search the Internet for BC coins, you will find that there are no letters on them. Moreover, I made a complaint, the coin was too round, the regular round coin appeared very late, and the previous money might have edges where the metal overflowed during forging. Therefore, this coin belongs to a very late age, and is not an archaeological site of the kind shown in the movie.
The director forced the coin to appear in the cave, in the same place as the ugly statuette. It was probably for performance. The ancients wanted to seal the Cthulhu statue. The logic here is not so logical. In fact, with the age difference, can Guan Gong fight Qin Qiong?
Then the priest wandered through the archaeological site and looked at the four-winged idol (fake), like a war between good and evil. In fact, the director imagined the confrontation between different beliefs in the Middle East and the West. He thought Eastern God very evil. If it is a god who appeared hundreds of years before Catholicism, it would be a good explanation why the exorcism was not successful, and the devil does not need to speak Latin. No one knows how the Hittites of the Mesopotamia were spoken by the Assyrians, right? .
When the camera is switched, in Georgetown, all kinds of thoughts are intertwined. It is when the consciousness of freedom rises and the conservatives feel panic and uneasy. The heroine is also a divorced movie star, leaving California to a conservative city to make a movie. The director is still a wild joke. If you are a Catholic, can't you curse them for being possessed by demons? So the story is given more meaning by the group psychology. I won’t analyze it later, as everyone thought.
The interesting thing about this film is not that it is scary, but that the devil can make a person who chooses to believe in both science and religion to be destroyed because of weakness. And the divine power of God may not be able to reach other more powerful "heretical gods", resulting in the death of the most devout people. It's like a banner of nihilism. But intellectuals love to watch this, let’s analyze it from different angles when it’s okay.
In the end, the St. Joseph silver coin was left as a blessing to the recovered little girl. It is estimated that she believes in religion, because her mother said that she does not remember the two priests who died. She will continue the conservative thinking in LA and become a pious and happy American girl. In this sense, conservatives have a victory.
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