dangerous relationship

Thora 2022-03-15 09:01:03

You managed to hurt the first person you fell in love with, that's my favorite line in this movie. No matter how bad a person is, he is always cowardly in front of his beloved, for fear that his every move will hurt her. At the end of the film, he leaves this bizarre world for her beloved, and goes to a black, white and gray world. The lonely world is waiting for her to come, everything is too late, but it is also beautiful, because of love. In fact, no matter what, it is wrong to use love to hurt anyone. Whether it is true love or false love for profit, it will bring pain to others, which is unforgivable.

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Cruel Intentions quotes

  • Sebastian: I read your manifesto.

    Annette: You did?

    Sebastian: Yes. I must say, I found it rather... appalling.

    Annette: That's a first. Most people praise me for it.

    Sebastian: Most people are sheep. Who are you to criticize something you've never experienced?

    Annette: I wasn't criticizing. I just think people shouldn't experience the act of love until they are in love and I just don't think people our age are mature enough to experience those kinds of emotions.

    Sebastian: Are you a lesbian?

    Annette: No...

    Sebastian: I didn't mean to offend you. I just picked up on a little bit of that lesbian vibe.

  • Sebastian: Why can't we be together?

    Annette: You wanna know why? Because I don't trust myself with you.