Infectious Diseases: The underestimated scientific record of outbreaks

Lillian 2022-03-19 09:01:03

This film is different from other typical traditional types of films related to infectious diseases. It is anti-hero; it weakens the enemy/helper; the narrative characteristics of anti-climax, multi-line tells the story of the epidemic of different groups, more like a documentary, more scientific and objective to show the epidemic to the audience the beginning of the process.

The source of infection in the film is bats, and the form of the virus is a ring-shaped combination of bats and pigs; the symptoms are foaming at the mouth and bruising; the film also tracks the transmission route, which is spread and carried by traditional droplets in the air. Contact transmission of the virus. All of this is very similar to the coronavirus we are experiencing now, all of which are derived from wildlife viruses and accompanied by respiratory symptoms.

The director advances the narrative along the timeline, and the 144-day record also shows its authenticity. The victory of a war epidemic involves many parties. The development of antibodies and vaccines takes a certain amount of time, because experiments on humans need to be very cautious, from monkeys to humans. However, the order in which the vaccines are used is also very particular. The date of birth is drawn by lots, and there are some smells of lottery masks. This is an experience with limited output of medical resources. The kidnapping of bandits from remote mountain villages in the plot makes people think about when these groups can get the vaccine, and they have a great risk of infection before they get the vaccine.

The magic of the narrative, on the last day 1, the first infected person's home company logged trees in the middle of the night, alarming the bats in the woods, and the bananas eaten by the bats fell into the pigsty and entered the pig's mouth. And this little pig was transported to Hong Kong. The chef did not wash his hands after touching it, and shook hands with the hostess, making it the first case of virus infection.

The interlinked virus spreads, and its source is explained clearly. A total of three times the logo of the home furnishing company appears in the film, the heroine signs the document on the taxi, the Japanese infected person also holds the document with this logo on the plane, and the vision of the final big factory. Connecting the three places, I guess this is the director's further reflection on the epidemic. The outbreak of the epidemic is not accidental, it is the butterfly effect of the global ecological environment change, and the essence is the unreasonable destruction of the ecosystem by human beings. Just like the punishment of consumers in a seafood market for eating bats indiscriminately.

Maybe we who haven't experienced the epidemic can't feel the same, but we who are in predicament can feel the truth better.

The pain of each patient is real, and the masses will show panic in the epidemic due to the confusion of information.

The selfless dedication of doctors is also true to their profession, and efforts to secretly develop vaccines under grading laboratories have accelerated epidemic control.

Although there are no clear rivals in the film, there are still disgusting villains. Well-known bloggers drove 12 million people to snap up forsythia oral liquid, disrupting the order just to enrich their own pockets. The efficacy of Forsythia Oral Liquid is not supported by real clinical data, only the endorsement of the blogger's credit. His colleague lined up to buy forsythia without a mask, and finally contracted the virus and killed two people. This result is ironic. Just as a daily published the curative effect of Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid, ordinary people who were deprived of the right to information rushed up.


In comparison, South Korea's 2013 movie "Influenza" is really overrated.

I can understand the reason for the high score, because of the genre. And its popularity in the country is partly due to the fact that the film's rivals pointed out the failure of the bureaucracy against the high-ranking officials who did not act in the early stage. This is a plot that our country dare not shoot. Secondly, the setting of the protagonist is a family group of three people, with the participation of men, women and children, so that every audience can find their own position and have a more sense of belonging. It is also in line with the family culture of East Asian civilization, with more emphasis on the collective. The same is a classic type of film, it is different from the American individual heroism expressed in the 1995 infectious disease film "Extreme Panic".

But the film is really unscientific, and the complete romantic fantasy makes me sigh.

The virus in the film is very powerful. The characteristic of droplet transmission comes from the respiratory infection virus, the death of blood spraying is like Ebola, and the rash symptoms are the experience of other infectious diseases. In short, its virus is powerful from various infectious diseases, giving people unreal.

And this powerful virus does not come from China, but from the Southeast Asian race. The mandarin that the virus carrier Meng Se first called for help also made people suspect that South Korea wanted to dump the blame on my country. The United States, which has prevented the control of the epidemic, is severely profiling, which only brings out the superior nationalism of South Korea.

Viruses are powerful, but they can also be easily dealt with. If one case of antibodies can solve all the problems, why not arrest the male protagonist, this guy definitely has antibodies. This superpower full of slots should be smashed by everyone.

Whether it's a super-powered but self-serving team of heroes, or a Facebook-like villain with no commensurate motivation, the emotionless zombie mobile background crowd, it's all tiring!

All coincidences make up the plot. If the male protagonist didn't fall in love at first sight, he would not have helped the female protagonist like this, and he even used the slogan of helping the team members as a lofty slogan. The heroine is mostly saving her daughter, and she is actually a fake doctor who is rude and lacks professionalism. This lack of emotional collocation, forming a family for the plot, false!

Many Korean films of the same period did better than it in terms of narrative and plot, but the theme of the special period caught people's attention, which made it popular and praised.

But according to my personal preference, it doesn't get my high score, it only sets off the full score of "Infectious Diseases" with the same theme, so I will compare it here.

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Contagion quotes

  • Dr. Erin Mears: Somewhere in the world, the wrong pig met up with the wrong bat.

  • Dr. Ellis Cheever: How are you?

    Dr. Erin Mears: It's good, we just finished setting up the...

    Dr. Ellis Cheever: I didn't ask what you're doing, Beth, I asked how you are. So... how are you?