On choosing such a time at the end of the nineteenth century

Jeffery 2022-01-26 08:12:31

America in the late 19th century was peaceful and serene
A secluded town
Red is a taboo and yellow is a protective color
They can't walk through the forest They're afraid of monsters They can't leave

Lies It's actually to limit children's exposure to the outside world
Monsters are just a pretense
, or monsters are in their hearts the village outside the material world

of the village elders who emigrated in the 1970s and eighties to get there
with their desperate social reality to build such a village
was chosen in 1897 personally feel that there is such a time two reasons
first, if the film is placed so we fear for villagers to confront the monsters do not dare to leave the village such behavior is not so well-developed technology of the nineteenth century, they feel a reasonable
followed by the late 1970s the United States is experiencing currency Inflated social unrest and the three decades since 1890 was a progressive period in American history. The elders chose such an era for their new life. It may also be out of disappointment with the present and nostalgia for the moral standards and values ​​of the old era.

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The Village quotes

  • Noah Percy: [about to have a footrace] No cheating!

    Ivy Walker: What a deeply scandalous thing to say! I insist you take that back! Is that the school bell?

    [runs off]

  • Ivy Walker: We ought not to return right away, huh? What shall we do with our stolen time? Hmm...

    Noah Percy: Hmm...

    Ivy Walker: Hmm... Shall we have a foot race?

    Noah Percy: Yes!

    Ivy Walker: Up the hill to the resting rock?

    Noah Percy: [points accusingly] No cheating.

    Ivy Walker: What a deeply scandalous thing to say. I insist you take it back. Is that the school bell?

    [as Noah turns to look, she bolts and runs]

    Noah Percy: [turns back, runs after Ivy] Ivy, you cheated!