The Hunter - the hunter of love

Haley 2022-06-14 09:43:06

BEFORE THE BODY: Saw Ridley Scott's version of Exodus the day before and was captivated by the end credits - dedicated to my brother Tony Scott. After checking the information, I learned that it turns out that Mr. Lei's brother is also a famous director, and he is well-known for making action movies. Rao is as ignorant and ignorant as I am, but I have also seen his film "The Speed ​​of Dangerous Love". According to the data, Tony Scott's directorial debut is "After a Thousand Years of Blood". The cast is very strong. If you look at the plot introduction, it seems to be related to the discussion of loyalty in love. It is a topic I am interested in recently, so I watched this film. Write down your impressions in the morning.

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Western filmmakers seem to be particularly fond of combining vampires and love. Well-known films include "Four Hundred Years" and "Interview with the Vampire". Take "Four Hundred Years of Fright" as an example,

Miriam, the blood queen in this film, doesn't seem to be worthy of sympathy. She has certain superpowers, wealth, beauty, changing lovers, and most importantly, she has a strong vitality. I'm not sure if it should be called "vitality". Because life is a process that has a beginning and an end. And she has infinite energy and can stay young forever, can it still be called "life force"? In terms of personality, she is not single-minded, but seeing her affectionately and with tears in her eyes, she sends her aging lover into the coffin.

There is an old saying in the far east, "Mantises catch cicadas, and the oriole is behind". Miriam, the film's love hunter, is clearly overconfident.

The director's camera language is very clear, and the use of montage makes me feel that even if the lines are cancelled, the plot is clear enough.

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Extended Reading

The Hunger quotes

  • Miriam Blaylock: You're a part of me now and I cannot let you go.

  • John Blaylock: Dr. Roberts.

    Sarah Roberts: Yeah.

    John Blaylock: You Iet me down.

    Sarah Roberts: Beg your pardon?

    John Blaylock: You didn't beIieve me. You made me sit here for over two hours.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock?

    John Blaylock: You had your meeting to go to. Fifteen minutes, you said. You Iied. Just thought I was some ridicuIous oId crank.

    Sarah Roberts: Mr. BIayIock, wait, pIease.

    John Blaylock: Wait? I can't wait.

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