It is also a class conflict movie, how can I feel that the foreigner's movie is higher than the Chinese one. I am not the kind of person whose moon in foreign countries is rounder than that in China.
Two people born on the same day are destined to have completely different life experiences because of their different class status. An epic of friendship, love, and class struggle spanning half a century. The long narrative and scheduling ability in this historical context can only be described as breathtaking.
Some people think that a good movie is a good story first. A good story must be smooth and natural, and then express its own thoughts and give the audience something to think about. From this perspective, 1900 is undoubtedly excellent. So a five-hour movie doesn't feel long at all.
Personally speaking, 1900 is better than director Bertolucci's own last emperor.
De Niro's performance in the film has the feeling of being suppressed by Depardieu, but even so I think this film is the only film that De Niro has starred in that can compare with the American past.
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