That's a cruel and beautiful marriage

Jessie 2022-03-17 09:01:03

"Marriage Story" is very soft and delicate. It gently touches the last trace of nostalgia between two people whose marriage relationship has broken down. In the scramble for children, everything deteriorates into the last thing they want. look. I kept thinking while watching this movie, why did they get this far? And all the couples in this world, in such a downward situation, will they do better or worse than the two of them? The wonderful memories they once had about each other turned out to be so heartbreaking the moment the relationship fell apart, but that's marriage.

How did the two of them come to the end of their marriage? While watching, I kept asking myself this question over and over again. They are a fairy couple that even the nannies are envious of. On the one hand, it is beautiful and moving, and on the other hand, it is Charlie's discovery of female stars who have gradually reached the peak. They once fell in love with each other, knew each other, and took care of their children like that, but their marriage still came to an end. Of course, the fuse was the female assistant who had a one-night stand with Charlie, but the explosive ignited by the fuse was not created out of thin air. Nicole's minutes-long one-man show with Nora was by no means the last one who felt that Charlie was with someone else. The questioning of self-worth after marriage, the gradual loss of patience in a situation where one cannot choose oneself, the waning of enthusiasm, the promises that cannot be fulfilled, and the sense of morality. The regret of tearing and never realizing (she had a big fight with Charlie and found a man to use his fingers, which is obviously the experience Nicole has been expecting and Charlie has not given her), all of these, are Ni can choose the antecedents of divorce. However, Charlie, despite his hesitation and his astonishment at the divorce letter handed in, had definitely distanced himself from Nicole before that. Charlie is trapped in a thriving job, while maintaining the image of a model husband in the eyes of others, he works hard while trying to please his children who don't have much time for company. Of course, work is undoubtedly more important in his eyes, so he didn't try to understand Nicole's inner torment. Naturally, his casual promises were mostly perfunctory without caring. When Nicole stopped having sex with him, when he started sleeping After the sofa, he didn't notice the gradually cracked marriage between the two. Of course, Charlie, who lost his sex life and was gradually ignored, also did something that ignited everything. Therefore, marriage has come to an end, just as the transition from love to marriage is the result of the joint efforts of two people, and the transition from marriage to divorce is by no means the work of one person. How did the two of them become aggressive because of their divorce? Nicole and Charlie, at the beginning of their decision to divorce, they were generally peaceful. Although the lawyers who adjusted did not work, they still roughly decided on the division of the property, and about renting a nearby house so that the child Henry could see often. Things like parents look like a divorce that will end peacefully. Later, however, everything became more and more out of control. This critical turning point occurred after Nicole hired a very good lawyer Nora. Nora has developed a very effective method for Nicole, allowing her to gain a great advantage in the battle for child custody, and And not only that, the experienced Nora also made Nicole block the path of many lawyers that Charlie might choose, making Charlie into a great passive, and Charlie finally had to choose a lawyer of ordinary standards, but there is no doubt that In the face of the sophisticated and precise Nora, Charlie's lawyer Bert has no advantage, and in order to win the divorce lawsuit, Charlie almost used his bonus to invite the equally excellent (and expensive) lawyer Ma Rota, so at the trial scene, the lawyers of the two sides almost tore their faces. All the little things, details, and mistakes in the two people's lives that could have been tolerated by each other have become weapons to attack each other and allow themselves to occupy a reasonable position. This is broken. However, of course, the incentive for all this is not only the divorce lawyers, but they are fighting over the custody of the children. Different from Charlie's thought that "Nicole and Henry are only staying in Los Angeles temporarily and will return to New York after filming", Nicole, who wants to return to Los Angeles, decided to settle down in Los Angeles, and will soon develop on Broadway. It was impossible for Charlie to completely abandon his career, so the contradictions emerged. However, all of this is not only about child custody, child custody, and the dispute over the place of residence, there is still a gap between the two people's ideas. Charlie's love for work forced him to live in New York for a long time, and for more For a more emotional Nicole, a life that lacks autonomy, is not valued, and is difficult to promise is unacceptable, and Los Angeles has her relatives, so she chooses to settle in Los Angeles. This disparity in ideas makes them plan to settle in different places, makes their children must be owned by one party, makes their lawyers use this as a point of contention, and makes them eventually fight against each other. However, the two of them are the people who know each other best. This is the point, the most heartbreaking, just because I think about it, they have been so in love with each other, maybe they have been together for more than ten years, and the two are so familiar with each other bit by bit. The description of each other in the opening chapter directly outlines the three-dimensional image of the two of them. Without love for one person, it is impossible to remember so many things about each other so accurately. Without love for one person, it is absolutely impossible to reach today. . So when this relationship finally came to an end, and at the end of the breakup, the two still kept their memories of each other, and this was the most hurtful place. Nicole knows what Charlie likes to eat. He always cuts Charlie and Henry's hair. Charlie who suddenly lost Nicole's hair grows and doesn't know where to cut it. Charlie is a very capable person, in work and life, when Nicole is in trouble, he always thinks of Charlie, and Charlie also keeps Nicole as neat as possible, not to mention that Charlie discovers Nicole, Straight to her acting advice. The deeper you once loved, the better and the more hurtful the memories were. Originally, writing here is probably enough, but I want to add a paragraph about children. At the beginning of the film, when the two people narrate each other, they all mentioned their relationship with the child. Nicole likes to play with the child very much. Charlie often watches movies with the child, guesses the words, and always takes care of the child to sleep at night. However, as the children moved out of New York, the relationship between Charlie and Henry turned sour. This doesn't mean that Charlie doesn't love the child or that the child doesn't like Charlie anymore, it's just that the child is growing and changing, and Charlie, who can't be with him often, can't keep up with the child's change. He carefully customized Frankenstein's clothes for the child, but the child and his siblings finally put on ninja costumes. On Halloween night, in a city with no festive atmosphere, the two could only go to the store to ask for candy. On the day when the male protagonist was observed by the observers, his awkward relationship with the child was revealed. He remembered so many things that the child once liked, but now he has been thrown away by the child, and the only knife performance that the child asked for, he did Because of the presence of the observers, he hesitated and did not dare to show shame. And the knife magic that was originally performed left a deep wound on his body. He wanted to please the child so much, but he was at a loss because of the change of the child. This kind of tangle of love, but he didn't know where to start, was like the spiral of the divorce between the two, which was heartbreaking. Of course, this is just my personal feeling. In addition to divorce and parent-child relationship, there are many things worth interpreting and thinking about in this movie, such as the positioning of husband and wife relationship in the survival of marriage, which is made because of love. Sacrifice and sacrifice, etc. All I can say is that the marriage story described in the movie is dualistic, both beautiful and cruel. It is really touching. This kind of touching feeling is like this word. It really touches the corner of the heart and gives people the same feeling experience. You see, this once-fairy couple finally went to the abyss of divorce. On the other hand, even after the baptism of divorce, at least the two have more or less found each other's memories and emotions while retaining each other's memories. own new life. , the relationship between Charlie and Henry is no longer what it used to be. This doesn't mean that Charlie doesn't love the child or that the child doesn't like Charlie anymore, it's just that the child is growing and changing, and Charlie, who can't be with him often, can't keep up with the child's change. He carefully customized Frankenstein's clothes for the child, but the child and his siblings finally put on ninja costumes. On Halloween night, in a city with no festive atmosphere, the two could only go to the store to ask for candy. On the day when the male protagonist was observed by the observers, his awkward relationship with the child was revealed. He remembered so many things that the child once liked, but now he has been thrown away by the child, and the only knife performance that the child asked for, he did Because of the presence of the observers, he hesitated and did not dare to show shame. And the knife magic that was originally performed left a deep wound on his body. He wanted to please the child so much, but he was at a loss because of the change of the child. This kind of tangle of love, but he didn't know where to start, was like the spiral of the divorce between the two, which was heartbreaking. Of course, this is just my personal feeling. In addition to divorce and parent-child relationship, there are many things worth interpreting and thinking about in this movie, such as the positioning of husband and wife relationship in the survival of marriage, which is made because of love. Sacrifice and sacrifice, etc. All I can say is that the marriage story described in the movie is dualistic, both beautiful and cruel. It is really touching. This kind of touching feeling is like this word. It really touches the corner of the heart and gives people the same feeling experience. You see, this once-fairy couple finally went to the abyss of divorce. On the other hand, even after the baptism of divorce, at least the two have more or less found each other's memories and emotions while retaining each other's memories. own new life. , the relationship between Charlie and Henry is no longer what it used to be. This doesn't mean that Charlie doesn't love the child or that the child doesn't like Charlie anymore, it's just that the child is growing and changing, and Charlie, who can't be with him often, can't keep up with the child's change. He carefully customized Frankenstein's clothes for the child, but the child and his siblings finally put on ninja costumes. On Halloween night, in a city with no festive atmosphere, the two could only go to the store to ask for candy. On the day when the male protagonist was observed by the observers, his awkward relationship with the child was revealed. He remembered so many things that the child once liked, but now he has been thrown away by the child, and the only knife performance that the child asked for, he did Because of the presence of the observers, he hesitated and did not dare to show shame. And the knife magic that was originally performed left a deep wound on his body. He wanted to please the child so much, but he was at a loss because of the change of the child. This kind of tangle of love, but he didn't know where to start, was like the spiral of the divorce between the two, which was heartbreaking. Of course, this is just my personal feeling. In addition to divorce and parent-child relationship, there are many things worth interpreting and thinking about in this movie, such as the positioning of husband and wife relationship in the survival of marriage, which is made because of love. Sacrifice and sacrifice, etc. All I can say is that the marriage story described in the movie is dualistic, both beautiful and cruel. It is really touching. This kind of touching feeling is like this word. It really touches the corner of the heart and gives people the same feeling experience. You see, this once-fairy couple finally went to the abyss of divorce. On the other hand, even after the baptism of divorce, at least the two have more or less found each other's memories and emotions while retaining each other's memories. own new life. The child's changes make you feel at a loss, but this kind of entanglement in love doesn't know where to start, just like the spiral of the divorce between the two, it's heart-wrenching. Of course, this is just my personal feeling. In addition to divorce and parent-child relationship, there are many things worth interpreting and thinking about in this movie, such as the positioning of husband and wife relationship in the survival of marriage, which is made because of love. Sacrifice and sacrifice, etc. All I can say is that the marriage story described in the movie is dualistic, both beautiful and cruel. It is really touching. This kind of touching feeling is like this word. It really touches the corner of the heart and gives people the same feeling experience. You see, this once-fairy couple finally went to the abyss of divorce. On the other hand, even after the baptism of divorce, at least the two have more or less found each other's memories and emotions while retaining each other's memories. own new life. The child's changes make you feel at a loss, but this kind of entanglement in love doesn't know where to start, just like the spiral of the divorce between the two, it's heart-wrenching. Of course, this is just my personal feeling. In addition to divorce and parent-child relationship, there are many things worth interpreting and thinking about in this movie, such as the positioning of husband and wife relationship in the survival of marriage, which is made because of love. Sacrifice and sacrifice, etc. All I can say is that the marriage story described in the movie is dualistic, both beautiful and cruel. It is really touching. This kind of touching feeling is like this word. It really touches the corner of the heart and gives people the same feeling experience. You see, this once-fairy couple finally went to the abyss of divorce. On the other hand, even after the baptism of divorce, at least the two have more or less found each other's memories and emotions while retaining each other's memories. own new life.

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Marriage Story quotes

  • Nora Fanshaw: People don't accept mothers who drink too much wine and yell at their child and call him an asshole. I get it. I do it too. We can accept an imperfect dad. Let's face it, the idea of a good father was only invented like 30 years ago. Before that, fathers were expected to be silent and absent and unreliable and selfish, and can all say we want them to be different. But on some basic level, we accept them. We love them for their fallibilities, but people absolutely don't accept those same failings in mothers. We don't accept it structurally and we don't accept it spiritually. Because the basis of our Judeo-Christian whatever is Mary, Mother of Jesus, and she's perfect. She's a virgin who gives birth, unwaveringly supports her child and holds his dead body when he's gone. And the dad isn't there. He didn't even do the fucking. God is in heaven. God is the father and God didn't show up. So, you have to be perfect, and Charlie can be a fuck up and it doesn't matter. You will always be held to a different, higher standard. And it's fucked up, but that's the way it is.

  • Bert Spitz: You know what this is like? This is like that joke about the woman at the hairdresser, she's going to Rome. You know this?

    Charlie: I don't.

    Bert Spitz: This woman is at her hairdresser, and she says, "I'm going to Rome on Holiday." And he says, "Oh, really? What airline are you taking?" She says, "Alitalia." He says, "Alitalia? Are you crazy? That's the worst - that's terrible. Don't take that. Where you gonna stay?" She says, "I'm gonna stay at the Hassler." "The Hassler? What, are you kidding? They're renovating the Hassler. You'll hear hammering all night long. You won't sleep. What are you gonna see?" She says, "I think I'm gonna try to go the Vatican." "The Vatican? You'll be standing in line all day long. You'll never get to see anything."

    Charlie: I'm sorry, Bert, am I paying for this joke?