live out

Margaretta 2022-10-12 21:20:49

When both Batman and The Joker were no longer young and needed someone to carry on their mantle, and it was, they both found a fit. One of the successors perfectly inherited the Joker's will under its own superior conditions, and the other found someone who seemed to be no less than Batman. But this does not hinder his success. It is true that he is not Batman, and he does not have the style that Batman should have, but it is he who makes Batman's existence more valuable, and he has advantages that Batman does not have. Never doubt yourself, don't live in the shadow of the success of your predecessors, you don't need to be the second so-and-so, but to be the first yourself, and to live out your own value.

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Extended Reading

Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker quotes

  • Bonk: He's got us running around, ripping a bunch of geek junk, but no cash! He won't tell us what his plan is, if he even has one! I-want-out!

    The Joker: If you insist.

    [He raises a gun. The Jokerz gasp]

    Bonk: Hey, man, take it easy... I-I was just kiddin'!

    [Joker pulls the trigger, and everyone jumps. A BANG flag comes out of the gun]

    The Joker: So was I!

    [He chuckles, and all the Jokerz let out a sigh. As Bonk relaxes, Joker pulls the trigger again, and the flag-pole shoots out of the gun, impaling Bonk and poisoning him with Joker toxin]

    The Joker: Oops! No, I wasn't! That's *also* how we did it my day!

  • The Joker: Don't you *dare* laugh at me!

    Terry McGinnis: [laughing] Why? I thought the Joker always wanted to make Batman laugh!

    The Joker: [screaming] You're not Batman!