Ayr Bar

Carleton 2022-10-24 18:16:41

The rhythm of the movie is very tight, and the plot is not sloppy. Every thing and every line has its own role. From fear to suspicion to mutual exclusion to killing each other, it is more reasonable to show the most selfish and self-interested side of human nature to the audience step by step. Although the whole movie is only completed in a bar with only a few dozen square meters of space, it will not make people feel boring and tired, because every moment new contradictions are discovered, and the people in the bar are always in a state of tension and suspicion . Another point I think is better in this movie is that at the end of the director, only the heroine was left alive to escape the sewers, and he did not explain the final reason for the incident. He could only let the audience guess through individual shots. Of course, the characters in the play guessed that the government directed this action to destroy the corpses in order to prevent the spread of the virus, and some occasional clues from the movie did confirm this. However, this result has not been confirmed by any official, it is only speculated by the people in the bar through scattered information on a mobile phone. And based on this information that no one can confirm, they began to guard against each other, exhausted all means to allow themselves to survive, and lost the basic bottom line that they are human beings with morality and conscience. Moreover, the last 4 so-called vaccines were snatched by killing each other, provided that the male policeman who injected the vaccine had died. At this time, they were like a pitiful little animal stuck in a swamp. They grabbed the vaccine as a life-saving straw, and imagined that they could save their lives. Of course, the director did not give the audience no hope at all. After the most despicable and selfish display of human nature, the suicide of the old woman and the self-sacrifice of the male protagonist can not be described as a light in the dark sewer of humanity. In addition, after the last heroine escaped and ascended to heaven, I wonder if anyone found that the state of her face was exactly the same as that of the dead policeman. Does it indicate that the vaccine they have been racking their brains to scramble for may be useless at all, and the heroine is carrying the most evil virus in the world onto the streets where people come and go, maybe a disaster is about to come to this city, punishing Selfish people, just like the prayers of mad beggars.

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The Bar quotes

  • Nacho: What the hell's up with you now?

    Elena: I don't like being threatened.

    Nacho: [Holding a gun] Who the hell is threatening you?