Don't be dazzled by the banner

Terry 2022-03-19 09:01:03

There are quite a few comrades in "Life and Death Sniper" who pronounce the third word as zu. They really can't bear it.
At first glance, it looks similar to "Fuse", and it is also a revenge film related to justice. As the incarnation of justice, the protagonist sees a gang of evil people doing evil, and when it can't be solved through official channels, he has to be forced to use his personal strengths and show his personal charm by the way, and righteousness will be destroyed.
However, after watching this film, I feel that American cowboys are not as pure and simple as Donnie Yen. There are other things in the film, which are obviously not on the same level as "using personal strengths and showing personal charm." I thought of "Prison Break". It feels that the two express similar things.
Palmerston once said: "We have no permanent allies or permanent enemies. We only have regular and permanent interests. We should use this interest as a guide." This sentence is reflected in a group, rather than reflected in it. It's more suitable for one person. As an individual, you can pursue your ideals of democracy, freedom, justice, and morality, and do heroic actions. But as a group, there is no such heroism to pursue. It must keep a close eye on the "interests" on which it lives. In the face of interests, other things are insignificant, all stand aside, but don't go far. Because in the pursuit of interests, things such as freedom can be used, such as writing on a big flag to fool the enthusiastic youth. That American cowboy was stunned by a banner full of democracy and justice, and he was stunned more than once. After he regained his eyesight, he started revenge without hesitation...
However, revenge can only be used to vent anger and cannot solve the fundamental problem. Only a few dogs were killed, and the banner was still there. The group is not just a few people, it encompasses many tangible and intangible things. Dog, killed, there is a substitute. Intangible things cannot be killed with a gun. No matter how great the individual is, no matter how extraordinary the personal charm is, in front of a group, it is often only possible to do everything in order to settle the fate. Translated into cowboy language is Do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will. So don't make a fuss when you see a sheep's head selling dog meat. However, you should lose your temper at best, kill a few dogs to vent your fire. Don't expect to take the sheep's head off and hang the dog's head on it. When you lose your anger, you have to face the reality, unless you want to move the mountain or become a God. But think about "Fake God", when God is so tired, let's be Tao Yuanming, build a hut under the mountain, look at the mountain from a distance, plant chrysanthemums, and drink tea. Can't afford to provoke, still can't hide? Just remember, don't make a whim, and make people feel safe as soon as they light up.
By the way, when I saw Lao Mi's sniper, I drooled. Our sniper always feels like a fire stick in my hand. Chairman Mao said it well, "replenish oneself by capturing all the enemy's weapons and most of its personnel. The source of our army's manpower and material resources is mainly on the front line." The American cowboy is no more. When can I add some American sniper!

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  • Nick Memphis: [sips coffee, chokes, coughs]

    Mr. Rate: [smiling] Good coffee?

    Nick Memphis: Yeah.

  • Mr. Rate: Would've been a bad job to take, though.

    Nick Memphis: How come?

    Mr. Rate: Whoever took that shot's probably dead now. That's how conspiracy works. Them boys on the grassy knoll, they were dead within three hours. Buried in the damn desert. Unmarked graves out past Terlingua.

    Nick Memphis: And you know this for a fact?

    Mr. Rate: Still got the shovel!