Lost in tokyo

Keanu 2022-03-18 09:01:02

Lost in Tokyo is a somewhat beautiful story, with a touch of sadness from beginning to end. When I was watching this film while lying on my bed with wine in my arms, I felt that the people in it were too real, too lonely, and even the director was too perfect. Loneliness will produce sparks, but this flashing spark can only bring them regret and my sorrow. I

read a sentence from a BLOG, like
me saying, when deep sorrow meets deep sorrow, we got pleasure...

the song at the end, emerged from the dark, slowly grabbing me
Walking back to you
Is the hardest thing that
I can do
That I can do for you
For you

I'll be your plastic toy
I'll be your plastic toy
For you

Many people say it is dull, I have a hunch that I will like it,
but girls don’t have "Ma Yu "Zhe" is beautiful,
just as reality is always pale and powerless
, the Japanese chattering endlessly, when it comes to the translation, it becomes a simple instruction.

Please lip my stockings
lip your stockings?
i'm sorry, do you mean, rip your stockings?
yes, please "lip my stockings", please...

Haha, I used the sounds of l and r made by Japanese people several times to make a fuss. When a
man is holding a wine glass and making a girl laugh, he is silent and lonely, but pretends not to care
. When a man takes a photo with a person, his eyes remain unchanged. After the girl,
he finally rushed out of the car door to
catch up with her.
He stretched out his old hands and touched the girl’s hair and
whispered. The
girl was crying on
the streets of Tokyo. When
they finally faced the
girl and left,
I felt like I was leaving with a smile.
sun in

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Extended Reading

Lost in Translation quotes

  • Charlotte: [on the phone] I went to this temple and all these monks were chanting and I didn't feel anything. John's been using these hair products and I don't know who I married anymore.

  • Bob: [Karaoke Party] More than this, you know there's nothing. More than this, just tell me one thing.