Between persistence and truth

Yvonne 2022-01-25 08:07:12

In "Disturbia", Kyle's persistence from beginning to end became the key to finally saving his mother and friends. Sometimes he always believes in his own intuition even regardless of everyone's opposition or cold-hearted people are seen as terrible by others. , but the director always set these people as the protagonists, clearly to make the audience believe in them. So we started resenting the supporting characters who didn't believe in the protagonist, resenting the protagonist along the way, until at the end when all the truth was revealed, we finally felt relieved and stared arrogantly at the worldly people. This is a very successful routine, but also a very old-fashioned routine. That's why this film was so mixed with critics, but it made all the young people who watched him walk out of the cinema with satisfaction.

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Disturbia quotes

  • Ronnie: Dude you havta see this I got like my whole great escape on video!

  • Ashley: [looking at a picture of a dead girl] This girl died from blunt trauma, most likely blows to the head and face. Gnarly.


    Ashley: I'm hungry... let's order pizza!