God hiding behind the big closet

Kale 2022-03-16 09:01:02

I love books because of dreams, imaginary people, and fictional things. I naturally get life in the reader's mind. Sometimes it seems to touch the flesh and blood, which often affects the mood of many people, making people cry and laugh. ; I love movies, which are derived from life, condensed reality, "logically" impossible reality, future reality, and the unknown emotions of cartoon characters. The fun of being a filmmaker just makes many people Seeing is believing, dreams come true. Relying on 3D technology and advanced computer methods, "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter" and "King Kong" seem to be in front of us and everything that happened around us. Every time I enter a movie theater, I am more convinced that being an animator must be a very fulfilling and happy thing.

Narnia is a too early dream. It has already turned yellow and has been pressed down to the bottom of my book mountain. If it weren't for Disney's decision to put this story on the big screen this time, no one would be interested in talking about it with me. For the books that have had a profound impact on my childhood, Chinese children seem to dedicate their beautiful childhood to the "master book list" (I hate this thing the most) that the school must issue every year. Several well-trained high school classmates even I know Brother Karamazov (I hate Russian names, so Russian writers can hide and hide), but I don’t know the White Wizard, let alone Aslan. The Chinese cultural community should really thank the filmmakers. As far as I know, Narnia It is finally republished in China. No matter what the level of translation is, at least children nowadays will not miss this peculiar book.

Regarding Narnia, whether I should put it in the Film category or the magic category, I hesitated for a long time. Since the first film is loyal to the original, after all, I love the original more deeply, so it’s better to Put it in the big closet.

Needless to say, I also know how Narnia will be treated in China. I guess most viewers will think it is too naive. The plot is not as tense as Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings does not appear magnificent. It can only deceive minor children. But in the movie theater I was in, there was neat applause at the end of the film. It’s like only Chinese people who have the urge to weep when they listen to "Blessings of Love". Those who grew up accompanied by this book should have no dissatisfaction with the movie. It beautifully respects the expectations of the original book for children. Cruel, no conspiracy, no prejudice and malice, maybe Peter's stability, Susan's reality, Ed's rebellion and Lucy's simplicity will bring some trouble to their friends, but everyone has shortcomings, and all shortcomings are acceptable and acceptable. Forgive, as long as the essence of the mind is clean.

In fact, the author of Narnia must be familiar with English literature. He is CS Lewis, known as the "greatest Oxford man". Compared with his colleague and friend, who wrote the epic magical masterpiece Tolkin, Lewis is called For the "Kong Ming Sect", the two novels that the two of them discussed in the tavern are no exaggeration to say that they are the twin towers of Western magic literature. All the sky gardens with elves and magic are built on the base of the tower. Potter's mother once said that Harry Potter would have seven books, because she had read a set of novels called Narnia when she was a child, and there were also seven.

Therefore, for those who have seen the original, or those who have grown up in Western culture, this film has even more extraordinary significance. It is a secular bible—believe it in any difficult situation. Aslan, and loyal to it, Aslan is actually the incarnation of God (of course Lewis regards it as Jesus, voluntary sacrifice for Edmond and later resurrection scenes, even those who have not read the Bible know one or two), it does not The specific form will always be with Narnia. Those of us who are educated by "materialism" can also imagine this majestic lion as a pure soul. Yes, no matter what adverse circumstances, we must Believe that evil cannot overcome righteousness.

This is a magical knight novel-Cervantes used a "Don Quixote" to end the careers of knights and their noble ladies who fought against the dragon in Europe, but from the round table, even more The chivalry formed earlier is like the Chinese chivalrous spirit. It has become a part of the culture, but it is not so easy to be forgotten. Take care of your weapons like honor, and insist on a one-on-one fair duel even if you are at a disadvantage. , Respect your opponent under any circumstances, wipe the blood on the sword before returning the sword to its sheath, never give up your friend even if you sacrifice your life, and never abandon your promise. From a certain point of view, these people still wear armor Some rickety children are much more upright than the "heroes" who are full of humanity and morality in some martial arts novels. I often use the dialogue of "tell this kind of people what are the rules of the world", as if these "rules" are not part of their own "ethics", just for fear of being criticized).

Narnia is also a modern fairy tale and a children’s version of King Arthur. According to ancient legends, Adam’s son and Eve’s daughters accidentally hit another world, rescued a world that had been dusted for centuries, and performed benevolence. Domination, this is the enlightenment book that Lewis sent his niece, Miss Lucy, to life.

The biggest difference between Narnia and Harry Potter is not that Narnia is a land of nothingness, but that Peter, Edmond, Susan and Lucy can only grow up in our world. When Susan grew up from a girl to a youth, when she was no longer Believing in the magical experience of childhood, when she has already begun to step into the real track, only the youngest Lucy can enter Narnia. Yes, there are no adult humans in Narnia, it only welcomes children who believe that there are secrets behind the big closet. The biggest difference between Narnia and The Lord of the Rings is that it is a book that can accompany people for life.

In my childhood, I saw firm belief, courage, tolerance and fraternity in books. Although I didn't know the names of these qualities at the time, I still admire boys like Peter and girls like Lucy. After I got my ID card, I read it again. I had already planned to go on the road to "maturity". I decided to continue to keep my childlike innocence and stick to the beauty I believed in my childhood. If I close my eyes to the ugly world, at least Can keep eternal beauty in my heart. Maybe when I get old, I will turn out this set of books to review. The four children have childhood self, hesitated, cowardly, credulous, but there is more hope.

After talking for so long, I can finally talk about the movie part. The reason why Narnia started shooting so late was not because investors were afraid that the story would be unpopular, but because Narnia faced too many problems compared to the Lord of the Rings. First of all, Narnia is a world where all beings are equal. Humans or creatures that look like humans don’t have the privilege of speaking. So a large number of people are important to the plot, but a furry friend who likes a lot of tongues is enough to call people. I have a headache, not to mention that Aslan, the key character in the story, is still a mighty and solemn lion who is also a teacher and friend to the protagonist, which is even more difficult. Secondly, the legend of Narnia began in an icy and snowy area, which can be frozen for a hundred years, and this snowy area must have rivers, grasslands, mountain tombs and stone caves. It takes a lot of trouble to choose a suitable location. Finally, the art task is arduous. The White Witch’s castle is filled with enemies who were turned into stone by her, such as goat monsters, foxes, leopards, etc. These lifelike stone sculptures must be made ready-made. It can be said that there is no science and technology today, and there is no Narnia on the screen now.

After the dream-making technology finally matured, coupled with the great success of the other two magical works on the big screen, Disney finally put Narnia into reality. Seven, the producer had planned this way from the beginning, and the huge success of the first one at the box office undoubtedly guaranteed the realization of this plan. If you can’t surpass "The Lord of the Rings" in the commercial market, Narnia fans will not. Let it go.

It is precisely because of this ambitious plan that the film reproduces the original work with great loyalty. The length of the film is limited. The protagonists are trained in Aslan’s camp, and the final battle part is compressed. Half an hour is used to introduce in detail the life backgrounds of the four protagonists and the complete process of discovering the big wardrobe-although this slows down the rhythm of the movie, it saves a lot of interpretation effort for the next movie. So as not to be like Harry Potter, the more you shoot, the more you save materials. The Ice and Snow World was also carefully built with a lot of money. After all, there are more places to use it. It is beautiful. I really can’t find another adjective. It’s so beautiful that I’m almost crying, Mr. Goat’s cabin, Mr. Beaver. The dam is like a childhood dream finally realized.

See, the concept of mass production cost saving is equally applicable to movies. It seems a bit crazy to invest a huge amount of money in a children's film, but everything is difficult at the beginning. With this foundation, the investment in the following films can be practically used. In terms of special effects and costumes, it must be even more beautiful.

Compared to Harry Potter's original British movie, the stories made by the Americans with the British background seem to have a taste of Lipton black tea. The few actors have a British look, especially Peter, which is what I like. That type, blond, blue-eyed, young and small, already has a precocious perseverance. After a few years, I don’t know how it will end up? In addition to the characteristics of the times, the costumes also try to give people a British style. In the real part, a lot of grid patterns are used. In the Narnia part, the director also thinks that this story has a certain connection with the legend of the stone sword. Regardless of the white witch's clothes, the four children's casual clothes and battle uniforms, people who have seen King Arthur always feel a bit "déjà vu". Look closely at the rose mark on the armor.

The level of Disney's animation is unquestionable. Aslan did not expect to be huge, but it is indeed majestic. Mr. and Mrs. Beaver also have a strong coat of fur. The only one who failed a little is Mr. Fox, and the one who looks like a bull demon king. monster. As for the subsequent scenes of the Battle of the Prairie, it is also very clear, including the formation and military deployment of the two armies. China has always liked to promote the war film "Many people and powerful people", "Thousands of troops and horses". It takes a large population to achieve this effect, and advanced technology is a more effective means. Andrew Adamson has my appetite very much. He insists not to copy the Lord of the Rings, which may disappoint many people who look forward to bloody and violent stimulation, but this is in the spirit of Lewis. War is not what he wants to promote in this book for little girls. Yes, so there was almost no bloodshed in the whole battle, and Edmond was forgiven without much effort. This is what a good boy does, to forgive his fellows who have made mistakes, and to try to make up for his mistakes.

The last thing worth mentioning is the soundtrack of the movie, which is a kind of highland style music, melodious and classical, and delicate and warm in the atmosphere.

Regarding the origins of Lewis, Narnia and the Bible, I will tell you some time later, because I am not a Christian, so there are some information that needs to be verified. I will provide you a blog of a Narnia fan. There is a Chinese translation of the first book. And the introduction of the following six novels, as well as the introduction of the author's life: http://blog.5d.cn/user2/eee/200512/187362.html

Part of the information about the film: http://www.xfcatv.com/ news/2005-12/20051221172517.htm

View more about The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe reviews

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe quotes

  • Jadis The White Witch: You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan.

    Aslan: His offense was not against you.

    Jadis The White Witch: Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia has been built?

    Aslan: [almost a roar] Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch. I was there when it was written.

    Jadis The White Witch: Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me. His blood is my property

    Peter Pevensie: [pulls out his sword] Try and take him then.

    Jadis The White Witch: Do you really think that mere force will deny me my right little king? Aslan knows that in this, I had blood as the law demands. All of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water. That boy will die on the stone table... as is tradition. You dare not to refuse me.

    Aslan: Enough. I shall talk with you alone.

  • Aslan: She has renounced her claim on the Son of Adam's blood.

    [Everybody cheers]

    Jadis The White Witch: How do I know your promise will be kept?

    [Aslan roars]