Michael's jailbreak from a knowledge management perspective

Alfreda 2022-09-22 06:52:42

Undoubtedly, "Prison Break" can be analyzed from various angles, such as project management, team building, state machine operation, etc. As a KMer, it is natural to analyze it from the perspective of knowledge management.

1. Knowledge structure.

Michael was born in a prestigious school and is a structural engineer by profession. When he came up with the idea of ​​saving his brother from prison, he immediately started preparations. Lincoln was imprisoned for three years. He didn't see how long Michael prepared, but it was estimated that it should be more than two years. After all, the preparation work took a long time. Be careful. , will start to collect all kinds of information around this core, including the background information of the prison management and prisoners, the topography of the prison, the structure of the pipeline, etc. Others may be completely unfamiliar with entering the prison, but for Michael, he is well-informed.

In addition to designing the relevant information into tattoos, Michael also did other preparations, such as the clothes, watches, tape recorders, etc. when he was in prison, as well as letting the wife of the fake marriage bring in the credit card. These are actually the "temple calculations" mentioned in "Sun Tzu's Art of War". When and what chess pieces are played, they are already being calculated. Michael's calmness is naturally related to this.

Of course, it is impossible to do everything step by step, because there are too many variables. If the accumulation of knowledge is not good and there is a lack of flexibility, then when the situation changes, the plan will still fail. So Michael had a backup plan, the little pills Lincoln took that would allow him to go into the infirmary for treatment.

In addition to his professional knowledge as a structural engineer, Michael's knowledge is quite extensive, involving physics, chemistry, medicine, etc. He knows what medicines can make his blood sugar rise, thus showing symptoms of diabetes, entering the infirmary smoothly, and also understanding the corrosion of herbs role, and the "Hooke's Law" that played a key role. For these, there is also a "scientific explanation" in the film - Michael suffers from low-risk depression. If a person with a low IQ gets this disease, it will cause mental illness; but for a person with a high IQ, it will cause a mental illness. A creative genius, a bit "water can capsize a boat, but also can carry a boat". And his profession itself has won him the favor of the warden, thus creating various favorable conditions for the escape - whether this accident is not written in the film is also in Michael's calculations.

The seemingly complex knowledge structure is actually very simple. It is completely built around the core of saving Lincoln from prison. It is built like building blocks. Some of them are "innate favorable conditions". For example, the FoxRiver prison was designed and transformed by Michael. , so he knows the structure well, and some are collected for the purpose of planning, such as D.B. Cooper, such as the whistleblower that John hates, and the acquisition and analysis of these data are also completely because Michael pays attention to To a lot of details that ordinary people and even the police don't notice.

Converting a lot of key information into tattoos is a smart move. Michael's learning ability is undoubtedly excellent.

2. Information security.

In the first half of the second season, Michael was passive everywhere. Mahone mastered his plan by deciphering Michael's tattoos and hard drives, so as to seize the opportunity everywhere. The plot is designed like this to increase the tension, but from the facts, Michael also made a mistake here. The hard disk should not be thrown directly into the river, even if the data is deleted. should be higher.

In prison, Michael's degree is quite well grasped. When knowledge is shared, it is shared, and it is kept secret when it should be kept secret. It is conceivable that in the face of people with different thoughts, if the plan is fully rolled out, then Michael's leadership cannot be guaranteed. Knowledge is power, and that's not bad at all here.

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