Indictment: The McMartin Trial is a TV movie based on a true case in the United States, produced by HBO. The McMartins originally ran a pre-school children's school, which was passed down by their grandmother. The mother of a young child went to the police station to accuse the McMartin grandson, one of the school's teachers, of sexually harassing her 2-1/2-year-old son. Police asked other parents of students to ask their children if their children had been subjected to such sexual harassment, which initially seemed to be fruitless. The parents later took their children to a place similar to a children's treatment center, where many of the children said they had been sexually harassed at the school, induced by staff there. As a result, the McMartin family, including the grandmother, mother, grandson, granddaughter, and three other female teachers, were all arrested and jailed because everyone believed that children would not make up such lies. However, what they did not expect was that although these children would not make up lies, they might tell lies under the inducement of adults. That treatment center is very unprofessional at all, and their process of inducing a child is similar to that of a confession. In the beginning, however, everyone was carried away by this heinous case and decided that the McMartins were demons. One lawyer, who initially defended the McMartin family primarily for the sake of fame, also believed they were guilty. However, as the case unfolded, many doubts were exposed, and he gradually began to trust the McMartin family and fought against adversity with them. After 7 years of litigation, he was finally cleared of his innocence on January 18, 1990. However, the family's life was ruined after all, and the psychological damage they suffered in the process was irreparable. The director of this film, Mick Jackson, once directed "The Bodyguard", his performance on the big screen was mediocre, but the TV movies he directed also won many awards. This one won an Emmy in 1995 for Indictment: The McMartin Trial. This film was really well done, it was beyond my expectations (I thought it was a bad film), and I felt very uncomfortable after watching it. I like James Woods as the lawyer.
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