When passion becomes sensational

Roderick 2022-09-07 16:38:21

In the first season of "Prison Break", there were a lot of emotions, and all the emotions revolved around the matter of "Prison Break", the inside and the outside, and the outside there were ugly political struggles needed to try to prevent the prison break, the plot always In the battle of wits and courage, the male lead and the heroine, the second male, the third male, and the fourth male, all the way to the male N, regardless of whether they look like a man or not, they are all running towards a goal. Michael is even more aware of tricks and tricks, and constantly solves all kinds of dangers and hidden dangers. People like this male lead. He is caring and tries not to hurt innocent people. At the same time, he is glad that he is a good person. He is depressed Wisdom, calm and determined, and very calculating, would be terrifying if he were a badass. More importantly, TV audiences all over the United States said he was handsome, and the ratings continued to climb.
So first of all, we should thank his actor Wentworth Miller for his diligent performance. Although the movie "The Shawshank Redemption" is almost certain to be a classic first, we think this extended version of "Redemption" is still very good-looking. Yes, so people should thank the screenwriter, or the person who stretched Stephen King's novella, stretched, stretched, and stretched it into a long one, except for a little deliberately making things difficult and contrived in part (we forgive him, because that is the need of the plot), The first season of Prison Break was indeed impressive.
At the end of the first season, it was the high wall that had just been climbed and the whining siren. Americans like this set the most. Many Hollywood film and television dramas do not tell you the ending, leaving a suspense, waiting for the market reaction, and then deciding whether to make a sequel according to needs. In view of the popularity of the first season of "Prison Break", Americans, or FOX, will not miss this great opportunity to make money, so there is a second season that many people are looking forward to.
The second season must start from outside the prison, because eight people ran out at once, with different identities and backgrounds and different purposes. I personally think that the screenwriter has dug a trap for himself. Eight people have to spread out and gather together. There are too many clues, and the stories cannot be the same, otherwise the audience will not buy it. Eight people have to tell at least six different stories, and they have to be thrilling, so the screenwriter began to arrange who would go on the road first, and the gangster Abruzz, who was very attractive, was the first to be killed. In the seventh episode, the thief David was killed. The newly added character perverted FBI Ma Hong was shot and killed. In this way, the story became a lot less labor-intensive, but the direction has undergone a fundamental change, from escape to escape, that is, pursuit and anti-hunting. This kind of subject matter has almost been filmed badly in Hollywood, and there is almost no new possibility. If there is no "T-BAG" who can win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in it, the story of the second season is really lacking. . And by the eleventh episode, if you remember the lunatic who was going to cross the river on a raft to Holland, obviously you belonged to the attentive audience. Does anyone know if he ended up being a great navigator?
Michael can no longer be majestic. One is that people no longer regard him as a god, and the other is that after he was released from prison, everyone was busy realizing their dreams, and he did not need him to direct, and the plot stipulated that he could not hurt others. He can't even start killing people, so there are not many things he can do, so the screenwriter thinks that he should repent for his transformation from a good young man to a fugitive who escaped from prison, and ask him to do something that moves the audience, we think that is It is often said that the sensational, once very exciting and beautiful TV series are no longer expected.
The word "prison break" in the first season has been stimulating people's nerves, we are wondering when this group of geniuses and evil people really do it, and in the second season we know that their purpose is to go far away Three regardless of the zone Panama. Going here, going there, fighting and even paying the price of blood to go here or there, these stories are not taught to us by people in Hollywood, our next door - those Hong Kong people who have started to play hard in twenty years.
In the first season, I didn't see the confession, I didn't see the obvious contrived sensationalism, and in the second season, both of these should have been quiet tricks. When passion turns into sensationalism, Hollywood can almost rival the people of Hong Kong.
What's left? It is said that the fourteenth episode will take a long time, long enough for the screenwriter to sort out his thoughts and then make a trick, but I am still a little worried, since the audience does not allow Michael to be arrested, and he starts to fight back, how will he end? , let him leave after the revenge? Or make him a free citizen of the United States? Neither of these are suitable, because we know that he has committed a crime, and there are still a lot of crimes, and more importantly, they are fighting against the current president of the United States, and it is obviously too easy to go away so easily. This is very different from "The Shawshank Redemption", so can he still successfully reach the faraway Panama and get away with it?
This is the only thing to look forward to. I personally think that in this TV series, the Best Supporting Actor Award should be awarded to two people, one is the perverted "T-BAG", and the other is the captain of the prison guard, Bai Like, they are really two old drama bones.

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