Memories of Murder

Fabian 2022-03-18 09:01:04

I'm not a person who likes watching Korean movies, but I still have to say that I admire Korean directors' consistent delicate techniques and emphasis on beautiful landscape-like scenes. Even such suspenseful movies can highlight this. The story takes place in South Korea under the military rule. The most common thing to see during the day is the national air defense alert exercise. Against this turbulent social background, rape and murder cases occurred one after another in a small county near Seoul. So all kinds of criminal investigators came on stage. First, there was the local fat policeman. He had a smile on his face. For any suspects he identified, he carefully made a photo album, and then he faced people. When someone was identified as a killer, he would Take the initiative to make unfavorable evidence against this person. When the confession is unfavorable, the thin policeman will come forward and torture the person to extract a confession, so that this person will eventually become a killer under the dual evidence of fact and confession. Fortunately, this situation was changed by a police officer from Seoul and a police chief in the police station. They emphasized that they should compare and analyze a series of cases on the basis of facts, and draw a series of important conclusions, making several false suspects. People have cleared their grievances, and in the process of this effort, the original fat policeman was also deeply inspired and became a hard-working member of them. Through a lot of basic work, they obtained some important evidence of the killer, such as rain, such as a Zhige, for example, the murderer's hands were extremely soft, and there was even a witness at the crime scene. The police found a suspect who basically matched, and used high-tech methods to compare the person's DNA and behavior while waiting for the United States. During the process of DNA residues at the crime scene, another rainy night, the thin policeman failed to focus on this target due to a car breakdown. The last case told in the story happened, a female student who helped the thin policeman a lot. So the thin policeman was suddenly full of hatred, but the most raw scientific proof said that the target was not the real murderer, although he had the same characteristics as many murderers. At this time, the character's personality changed inexplicably. The always cool Seoul police couldn't accept this scientific identification and began to torture the suspect to extract a confession, and the fat policeman began to be open-minded. At this point, the story of the murderer is basically over. But there are a few things about this story that make me very emotional
A. The leg that the lanky policeman was most proud of was unconsciously used by the mentally handicapped child he had injured in a senseless and almost rogue-like gang fight with a rusted big The wooden stick of the iron nail was hit, and the iron nail penetrated into the bones and muscles. Due to the lack of necessary medical knowledge, the skinny man's leg was scrapped. In the end no one tells us how the life of the skinny man who lost a leg goes on, but I guess it may not be too good, when the most beloved thing is lost, I guess the part of the person that is related to it will also follow is dead.
B. The girlfriend of the fat policeman was later his wife. When the last case in the story happened, in order to make more money, she chose to go to the doctor in the middle of the night when she could not feel any sense of security in the heavy rain. When she was rushing home with her tired body, on the way, she passed a female student. In a new day, the girl became the prey of the murderer and walked onto Huangquan Road, and the female nurse. However, he survived the accident unconsciously and had a happy family and children many years later.
C The Seoul police found evidence to prove that the mentally handicapped child who had been suspected and tortured as the murderer had been a witness to one of the series of cases, but when the child saw them, he was so scared that he was unconscious and climbed up. The tall electric pole, the skinny policeman comforted him, successfully let him down, and began to describe what he had seen, but when the skinny policeman took out a photo of the unproven man who looked like the murderer and let him recognize it At that time, he was obviously trapped in his own spiritual world because of terrible memories, he couldn't look at the photos normally, but he said something crucial, "That person (the murderer) once pushed me into the fire, It's scary." But the anxious Seoul police ignored this very important evidence and just wanted to let the child identify the person in the photo as the murderer, and even started to use violence against the child, causing the child to keep running away. And even more crazy, eventually being overwhelmed by the whizzing train on the rails.
It is difficult to say at any point in one's life that an event has completely changed, and this change is neither what we can expect, nor can we control, and we don't even know the one we have walked through. What happened to the road the moment we just walked.
Many times, we are very close to the truth, as long as we are a little more careful and don’t ignore any small details subjectively, we will get what we want, but unfortunately, most of the time, when we think we are When we are close to success, we will subjectively strengthen our own point of view, but this point of view is not necessarily really objective and true!
Let's talk about the end of the film. Years later, the fat policeman has become a sales executive of a company. On the way to deliver a batch of goods to customers, the scenery outside the car window suddenly became familiar. He asked the driver to stop the car and leave. On a small road in the middle of the fields, he stopped at a water culvert on the side of the road, and looked in, a little girl stood behind her and asked him, "Uncle, what are you looking at?" The police said that many years ago, there were some memories of me here. Because this was the abandoned place of the first victim of that series of cases. It was from here that the fat policeman experienced a very important period in his life. I believe that he changed his career and stopped being a policeman. Not being able to get an answer is also quite relevant. But what's even more surprising is that the little girl said, "You adults are really strange. Two days ago, there was an uncle who did the same thing as you and said the same thing as you." The movie came to an abrupt stop in the tranquil scenery of a blue sky and yellow rice, but my heart was tightened.

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Memories of Murder quotes

  • Detective Park Doo-Man: Fuck, I don't know.

  • Detective Cho Yong-koo: I only beat you up because I care about you.