A game with no results

Darion 2022-01-25 08:02:16

This is a game of God and the Devil. God created human beings, gave them emotions, but also endowed them with humanity to restrain people's free will. The devil inspires people's potential desires, satisfies people's needs without criticizing them, and guides them to abandon their humanity and guilt, so as to win the game and make the new twentieth century his world.

There are 20,000 churches in New York, but people no longer believe in God. He chose the site of his castle in New York, because this is a ten-mile foreign field full of material desires, and it is also the most easily lost place. So if he does a little trick, people will abandon their insistence on human nature, and they will not feel guilty, because the devil in the film said: "Everything in the flashy world is reasonable and reasonable."

The devil cannot directly control others, because people have free will, but he can magnify them based on their own desires and fears to guide them in the direction they desire. And the protagonist will be fancy, one is because he is the outstanding one among the underachieving children; the other is because he actively chose to abandon the bottom line for his undefeated record in the teacher indecency case; and the third is because the protagonist’s ideas are not Not bound by religion. When the time was right, he was given the opportunity to go to New York, and the hostess also happily went there for the sake of material life.

When they first arrived in New York, their lives were full of hope, but the devil didn't let them have fun. In order for the male protagonist to mate with his half-sister, he had to leave the female protagonist. He began to test the male lead. From the beginning of the banquet, the female lead was left behind, and then the mentally ill female lead was left behind for the case. The male lead not only completed the pursuit of money, fame and fortune, but also completed the abandonment of family affection. The devil sees In the eyes, it really was the perfect candidate. With the success of the male protagonist, the female protagonist also began to go crazy. From cleaning the wall with rich neighbors to buying clothes, he began to resist the life of doing nothing. The devil magnified his anxiety and disgust at this time. The quantitative change caused qualitative change. The heroine began to fear, and the spirit became trance. Then the devil magnified the fear again. After a wave, the heroine collapsed, went to a mental hospital, and committed suicide. At this time, the male protagonist also knew the truth and went to find the devil. All this was in the plan of the devil.

After seeing the devil, the two quarreled, and after the devil's wonderful speech, the male lead calmed down. The devil tells the male protagonist that he is very good. As long as he forgets his guilt and mates with his half-sister, he will be theirs in the next 20th century. (This is also the final test for the male protagonist. It shows that only after abandoning human nature and being able to forget the sense of guilt can you become a real devil.) But the male protagonist's conscience discovered that he said something about free will and chose to commit suicide.

Then everything went back to the original bathroom. The male protagonist made the right choice, and finally accepted an interview from the reporter. The reporter turned into a devil, saying that vanity is his favorite sin, and a new reincarnation began. It shows that we are always struggling between humanity and desire. Just like the reporter said that no one can win forever, the male protagonist did not maintain the unbeaten record in the end, and the devil deceived the male protagonist into a new reincarnation after failure. I think this is normal. There is no right or wrong in the world itself, but because we are in a system of rules, we have a vague rule that restricts our behavior. No one can do the right thing all the time, so I now feel that right and wrong are no longer important. It is more about the different positions. I can't tell some things, so I think that I should follow the law as much as possible and follow my own ideas. Life is just fine.

In order for the devil to disintegrate heaven, he must tilt the scales of justice. But he can't directly change the outcome of the matter, so he has to use others as a medium, such as guiding the male protagonist to defend the bad guy; making the other party’s lawyer speechless after Moise’s curse; letting the company’s fat woman show it to the mirror The hostess scared him to commit suicide. He always hides behind the curtain and lets others speak for him. This may be what the devil's spokesperson meant.

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Extended Reading

The Devil's Advocate quotes

  • John Milton: That day on the subway, what did I say to you? What were my words to you? Maybe it was your time to lose. You didn't think so.

    Kevin Lomax: [raging] Lose? I don't lose! I win! I win! I'm a lawyer! That's my job, that's what I do!

    John Milton: I rest my case. Vanity is definitely my favorite sin. Kevin, it's so basic, self-love; the all-natural opiate. You know, it's not that you didn't care for Mary Ann, Kevin. It's just that you were a little bit more involved with someone else: yourself.

  • John Milton: Your vanity is justified, Kevin. Your seed, is the key to a new future. Your son is gonna sit at the head of all tables, my boy. He's gonna set this hold thing free.

    Kevin Lomax: You want a child?

    John Milton: I want a family.

    Kevin Lomax: The Anti-Christ?

    John Milton: [laughing] Whatever...