Mean girls

Wilfrid 2022-01-25 08:03:26

The jealousy of the girls before caused a war between girls overtly and secretly. 16-year-old Cady grew up in Africa. After returning to the United States, he went to a mainstream school. By chance, he met two friends who hated queen bee Regina, and also happened to meet queen bee and her two other "guardians." The so-called "followers" actually don't like Regina secretly, perhaps because following Regina can get the envy of other male/female classmates or become the school's limelight. Maybe, but in our high school career, we just don’t want to be boycotted or ignored. We all have in common that we want to meet friends in school. So even if these two people don’t like Regina in their hearts, but because we already know each other, we continue. Together, I even endure the "girl rules" set by Regina, but only Regina can violate these rules. But if it is the other two who break the rules, you can't sit With us!

This seems ridiculous, but because they don't want to be boycotted or isolated, they all endured it. The addition of Cady changed the "three swords" relationship. A handsome boy, Aaron samuels, became the fuse for Cady to retaliate against Regina. She used the Kalteen bar to make Regina, who wanted to lose weight, fatter, and she also used her feet. The foot cream tricked Regina into applying it on her face, and even when she knew that Regina was actually fooling around with other male classmates behind her back, she used Aaron to help her with tuition to seduce him and then took the opportunity to tell him the truth behind Regina's behavior.

All this is just two words "jealous". Cady's revenge is due to Aaron samuels, but it's not the only reason. At the beginning, she thought Regina was glamour, seems nice, but after the Halloween party, it became bitch. ! Because of a kiss, she wanted revenge, but on the other hand, she wanted to continue to be friends with Regina, because she changed herself completely, from straight hair who only wore t-shirts and jeans to school before becoming long curly hair. Low-cut short skirts and even famous brand bags, dress up like a celebrity and go to school every day. The changes here and the secret fights in the middle make people excited.

In the end, because of Regina’s counterattack, she had to admit that in the end she was just an ordinary woman. She realized that even if she became a new queen bee, she would not be able to make Aaron samuels willing to be with her. The only true good friends were Janis Ian at the beginning. Everything went back to the plain back to the original point, she said "Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter. And ruining Regina George's life definitely didn't make me any happier. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you.” In these words, the middle part of the movie is a bit nonsense, but in the end everyone has a new life. This is the case in campus life. Only after experiencing it will grow up. Cady used to be plastic here, and now she has changed back to the original cady, no longer voluptuously dressed, no longer thinking that everybody loves her, and back to the former schoolmaster who likes mathematics.

Lastly, I watched this movie at least 20 or 30 times?

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Mean Girls quotes

  • Damian: [reading Cady's class schedule] Health, Spanish... you're taking 12th Grade Calculus?

    Cady: Yeah, I like math.

    Damian: Eww. Why?

    Cady: Because it's the same in every country.

    Damian: That's beautiful.

    [to Janis]

    Damian: This girl is deep.

  • Janis: [to the female student body] Okay, yeah. I've got an apology. So, I have this friend who is a new student this year. And I convinced her that it would be fun to mess up Regina George's life. So I had her pretend to be friends with Regina, and then she would come to my house after and we would just laugh about all the dumb stuff Regina said. And we gave these candy bar things that would make her gain weight, and then we turned her best friends against her. And then... Oh yeah, Cady - you know my friend Cady? She made out with her boyfriend, and we convinced him to break up with her. Oh, God, and we gave her foot cream instead of face wash.

    [to Regina]

    Janis: God! I am so sorry Regina. Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big *lesbian* crush on you! Suck on *that*! AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!