slightly drunk taste

Alan 2022-03-17 09:01:03

There are no big-name stars, the story is bland, the male protagonist has a rough appearance, and the female protagonist is also a milf. Such a feeling is largely due to the fact that the male protagonist's character has a lot in common with himself. The so-called good movie should be the one that can get the joy of personality recognition from it.

Miles' ordinary personality is mainly manifested in the following aspects: First, he is mild and low-key, and lacks aggressiveness. I wrote a novel and didn't hype it up, I didn't like a woman and I didn't aggressively attack. Although I occasionally encountered setbacks and madness, I just used alcohol to relieve my worries in a self-enclosed way. Second, act cautiously and cautiously. This is mainly reflected in his relationship with Maya. At first I thought she was just a barmaid, but later I found out that she was studying a master of gardening. This contrast in the status and status of a partner brought about subtle psychological changes. But whether he is arrogant or inferior, it shows that he cares about the eyes of others. Third, nostalgia, passive, easily influenced by others. After two years of divorce, he still hopes to reunite with his ex-wife. In addition to his own emotional factors, I am afraid there are also reasons for his mother's praise for her; the emotional development between him and Maya was also matched by Jack; The novel is also written based on his own experience. Fourth, they are not sensitive to numbers and have a weak sense of time. As soon as he appeared, he was late for a date, and when it was his mother's birthday, he couldn't remember her exact age. Later, he also said something like "what's the difference between five o'clock and six o'clock", which may be a common disadvantage of writers.

Jack is obviously a person of the opposite personality. He is only a week away from getting married, and he actively searches for flowers and willows. In his own words, to grasp the last indulgence and freedom. In order to gain the favor of women, he spares no effort to bewitch and deceive with sweet words. In life, he is as good at acting as he is at work. Although he is just an outdated TV actor, it can be seen from the admiration of Miles' mother and the hotel waiter that his acting skills are top-notch, and it is easy to win the favor of women. Of course, when the lie is finally exposed, judging from his embarrassed end, the director does not agree with this way of life.

The title of the film is translated as "Life with a Glass of Wine", which refers to the character of the protagonist and his wine tasting experience. Of course, it also contains a lot of life philosophy, which can be seen from the attitude of Miles and Jack to wine. Miles pays attention to the slow tasting, has a deep research on wine, and disdains inferior wine; and Jack just sips it down regardless of whether it is good or bad, and obtains only a moment of anesthesia and satisfaction. If you look closely at their personalities, you can see that this difference is quite reasonable. And it can be associated with their attitude towards women and love. Miles is the love type over time, and Jack is the type of love at first sight; Miles and Maya can be polite for a long time, and Jack is the one who has known each other for a long time. Women can go to bed and have sex.

Miles finally reaps the truth, which is the long taste he has tasted from wine. At the beginning of the film, others knocked on his door, but at the end he knocked on Maya's door. The change from passive to active is also the result of opening up with Maya through the communication of wine culture. Even if Miles' unsolicited lies had spoiled the love, Maya would be forgiven because the pure quality of his glass of wine would not change. As for Jack, the lie has stabilized the marriage, but I don't think it will last. If you don't have the patience to savor the joys and sorrows of life, how can you endure the constant dullness? I think that after drinking this glass of light, mellow and endless aftertaste, the oriental people can taste it better.

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Sideways quotes

  • Miles Raymond: [to Jack] You fucking derelict.

  • Miles Raymond: Quaffable, but uh... far from transcendent.