Remember to bring your brain when you go out - "Bar"

Bernhard 2022-09-02 18:04:39

Today I introduce the Spanish suspense thriller film "Bar".

Title El bar / The Bar (2017), alias / Crazy Bar (Taiwan) / Trapped Bar / El Bar.

The film revolves around a small bar, where 11 men, women and children appeared by accident in this small bar, and unexpected things happened.

11 ordinary people in the bar, doing their own things, or drinking coffee, or bragging about chat, everything seems normal.

A man left the bar after drinking, and was shot dead as soon as he went out. Another man who went out to check his injuries was also shot dead immediately. The atmosphere in the bar immediately became extremely tense.

Cell phone signals were blocked, no news about the shooting was broadcast on the TV, and the small bar seemed to be isolated from the world.

The beginning of "Bar" creates a suspense that is very capable of grabbing people. The information and clues given are very few, but the direct consequences are very serious. The situation can only rely on guesswork, and everyone, including the audience, does not know whether the guess is correct.

In order to find out the truth, the audience will continue to watch, and will continue to watch, for fear of missing a clue.

Several people trapped in the bar made all kinds of guesses about the truth, and the guesses at the beginning were roughly the same as the audience guessed. It was nothing more than a terrorist attack that led to indiscriminate massacres, but if you think about it carefully, if it is really a terrorist, This approach has long angered terrorists, forcing terrorists to attack directly.

However, after this kind of speculation, suspicions arose among several strangers, laying an important foreshadowing for the follow-up development.

Then something strange happened in the toilet, which directly turned the film in another direction.

The truth of the incident also turned from the speculation of terrorist organizations to a highly lethal infectious disease. The death of the soldier who died of illness while hiding in the toilet was terrifying. Coupled with the text messages on his mobile phone, this outbreak of infectious disease was more powerfully confirmed.

It can be guessed from the text messages on the mobile phone of the military that he was quarantined after contracting the virus in Africa and returned to China, and then he grabbed a few antidote and escaped.

At this point, there is a reasonable explanation for the picture at the beginning of the film. It turns out that those horrible viruses and bacteria at the beginning are the main promoters of the film. The root of the whole story is about viruses and bacteria.

But from the beginning of the film, people can't help but think of "The Fog". The two films are a group of people trapped indoors, and the films both question human nature. But the two films are completely different and have their own characteristics. The biggest feature is the unity of the film style.

"The Mist" firmly grasps the suspense from beginning to end. People go crazy and go crazy in extreme situations. There are traces to follow. "Bar" is not like this. It was full of comedy elements at the beginning, and then began to go wrong. It fluctuates between gory and suspenseful thrillers, occasionally giving people a sense of finesse.

The film then shifts its focus to discussing human nature. In extreme cases, will human nature remain rational? When faced with individual and group choices, individuals will consider their own interests or the interests of the group.

In fact, this topic is a relatively common topic. In a harmonious society, hello, hello, hello, everyone, but human nature has always been untestable. When extreme situations occur, people will still return to a primitive society where the law of the jungle is naked, and all the rules are not To exist, to survive is the only thing that matters.

Especially when the West likes to emphasize individual interests and always like to protect individual interests, it often complicates things.

It's like the trolley problem, when the sacrifice of one person can save hundreds of people, and when one person is innocent, the discussion becomes even more twisted.

In addition, the film also sets up a rambunctious homeless person, forcibly inserted into the discussion of the poor and the rich, and adds inexplicable emotional dramas, as well as the hard work experience of the hardworking public, which can be called a hodgepodge.

In fact, when you see "Bar", you will find at the end that the film has a lot of confounding elements, and many plot settings are inconsistent, and there are situations where conflicts are created for the purpose of creating conflicts.

Just to cite a few examples, they are full of pitfalls.

The first and biggest flaw is that the whole thing cannot stand scrutiny. The director is largely a conspiracy theory lover and has deep doubts about the government. Any bad things can only be arranged as a black hand by the government. That's it, anyway, the conspiracy theory is not falsifiable, and it seems quite reasonable anyway. This matter, which can be completely solved through biochemical isolation measures, must be splashed with blood on the spot, and the whole society will lie through all channels. It is really not a big deal to watch the fun.

Second, in order to cover up the massacre of potential virus-infected people, the government created a fire at the entrance of the bar and deliberately made thick smoke billow. When the fire was set, the soldiers clearly saw that there were eight people in the bar. And then when the army rushed into the bar to silence them, they only killed three people and then retreated in a hurry, completely disregarding the wrong number of people, which was very inconsistent with the meticulous conspiracy theories ahead.

The third, the soldier who escaped into the toilet was in a hurry, and died immediately after injecting the antidote in the toilet. He used his body to prove that the antidote did not work, but the survivors of the bar believed that the antidote was effective just by text messages , and robbed you to the death for this, there is a fundamental problem in the conflict between the survivors.

Fourth, the fat middle-aged woman Trini killed someone for an antidote one second before committing suicide with guilt the next second. Her mood changed too quickly. Not only Trini, but several other characters have such problems, their positions are uncertain, and they all feel refined. All kinds of cards that don't follow the routine, all kinds of inconsistencies, and the more you go, the more contrived it is to the audience. It's really a waste of a good start and the story is skewed.

Bring a power bank with you when you go out.

Go out with a brain.

This is the distribution center for hardcore movie fans, welcome to pay attention to the public number: Miaokan Film and Television

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The Bar quotes

  • Nacho: What the hell's up with you now?

    Elena: I don't like being threatened.

    Nacho: [Holding a gun] Who the hell is threatening you?