boba milk tea maker

Arch 2022-06-19 13:26:12

It's over, it feels weird to drink boba milk tea after watching this movie. . Many people commented that it was disgusting, but I didn't feel disgusting. Maybe I didn't have a serious intensive phobia, so it was easier to watch. The main story of the movie is that the heroine goes from a state of getting married to the end turned into a mosquito. I don’t know if this is true abroad. As long as you are ready to get married, there must be a bachelor party. It must be drunk and crazy. The heroine in the movie is also, in order to celebrate her departure from being single, she went on a trip with two girlfriends. Playing, the first girlfriend is a good person, and the ending is not very good; the second girlfriend, she should be jealous of everything about the heroine, so she conspired and planned all conspiracies, but in the end it is ugly. The plot is very simple, and the bloody parts are well controlled. In the movie, there is a room full of boba, the table and walls are flowing everywhere. I really don't know how she got it. The movie doesn't explain it. I'm very curious. I vomited concentrated sulfuric acid, and the palm of my hand sprayed blue liquid. It's true. Very realistic, and these killed people, are they really that stupid? Entering such a terrifying house, even if you don't worry about it being man-made, you have to worry about whether there are monsters or something. It's really unreasonable to forcibly send people's heads. And the whole building is empty? Even if there is no one, the old man of the family where the female owner often helps walk the dog should be there, but it just didn't show up. All in all, a decent horror movie.

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