I cried the moment I went back

Jean 2022-03-14 14:12:21

It was really a fantasy and lively comedy more than 20 years ago. I never thought that I was more than 30 years old. I was fighting like the protagonist in the jungle for more than ten years. My father died and my mother was paralyzed. Although I have achieved something, it is really like A dream, it's better to be that silly X when you wake up from the dream, I was wrong to say sorry to my parents. Ah, life is a one-way car that can't go back. Try to live well in the present, take a dream of Yangzhou in ten years, don't regret the past, shake hands with the boy who used to be.

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Jumanji quotes

  • [1869, Benjamin and Caleb are burying a chest]

    Benjamin: What if someone digs it up?

    Caleb: [dramatically] May God have mercy on his soul.

  • Billy Jessup the Bully: Just because you're a Parrish doesn't mean you can hang around with my girlfriend.

    Alan Parrish, 1969: We're just friends.

    Billy Jessup the Bully: [chuckles] Not anymore.