The simple folk customs of Gotham City, the first person in the penguin

Burley 2022-09-15 17:42:40

Gangs are rampant, killings are everywhere, the police are incompetent, and the rulers are corrupt and colluded. In such a city dominated by money, land, and power, the common people have no hope, no rights are defended, and justice cannot be done. This also makes some intelligent and capable people come forward and hope Change this sick, devastated city. This is also the reason for the surge in urban crime rate and the "simple folk customs". The first time I came into contact with Gotham City, I was tempted by the Gotham Joker and wanted to see the first clown's style, but after opening it, I found that the clown didn't have too many roles in the first movie. He was not the only villain. One of them, after watching a few episodes patiently with the determination to learn English, I found out that this is a super power show that is different from Marvel heroes and specially tailored for bad guys and villains. Three Views. Because since ancient times, evil has been invincible, but the gangsters in Gotham are above justice and law. They are arrogant and do whatever they want. Their enemy is not the absolute justice that Gordon represents, because Gordon is just an impossibility. The ants who protect themselves can be pinched to death at any time, and the real scruples are the fetters of interests and interests between the gang leaders, as well as those ambitious gangsters.

good. It's that penguin who limps, looks cute, and always wears bangs. His first appearance caught my attention, and I feel that his smile is very weird and creepy. He's a terrible guy. , although his road to hegemony is slightly bumpy, it is also within his grasp step by step. He has a very hateful trait, that is, leaking other people's secrets to cause wars, which is a bit similar to the chief who collects all kinds of police smudges, but the horror of the Penguin is far from here, he is more terrifying The place is that, like the serial killer who transformed Barbara, he has the ability to spy on people's hearts. He can spy on the weaknesses behind everyone. In his words, it is called problem. With this skill, he eradicated the Many people who are unfavorable to him have made him step by step until he dominates Gotham.

It's really a mistake, I was attracted by the penguins before I knew it, and the clowns were completely forgotten. After watching Gotham, I felt very deep, and I really experienced what is called a common problem in the whole city. Good people are not so absolutely good (they hide some little secrets), and bad people are not so bad (sometimes they can still find out with their conscience), which also gave me a teenager under the protection of the ivory tower to have a beginning for society. Experience, there will be such a group of patients in every era, more or less, they are lurking around you, there are always people who are jealous of your income, there are always people who frame you behind your back, don't be afraid, believe in the power of justice, of course we Not a sheep to sit still. Use what you have, look for its disadvantages, bury it in time, and wait for good news.

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