The Cold War Feelings Movie in Spielberg Format

Josie 2022-01-25 08:05:14

I learned about JJ Abrams and his "bad robot" studio from "District Nine", but I didn't watch this same niche and cult "Super 8" until today.

I have seen some trailers and clips of this film before, as well as the two attractive names "Steven Spielberg" and "JJ Abrams" on the poster, so that I I always thought this was a “sci-fi blockbuster”, but in fact, after watching it, I found that from the title of this movie, it can be seen that the main thrust of the film does not lie in the clichés on the surface. The star people finally escaped from the persecution of the earth, and by the way, a sequel is brought out, which is more like the director's nostalgia for his childhood. Holding a Super 8 camera to shoot a micro-movie, young people who are chasing fashion and listening to the Walkman, the ubiquitous Russian threat theory, the youthful and pure premature love... Love and tolerance, friendship and responsibility, this is only a movie Movies that only the "old guys" of the 70s and 80s could understand. But this does not prevent us from appreciating all this from the perspective of a bystander, to appreciate this "prehistoric era" that belongs to us, everything seems better than it is now, all so desirable.

The script of this film is really general, and it is easy to think of the small-cost science fiction film "Mist" in 2007. The similarity of the two scripts is almost 80%. Small towns, government experiment accidents, monsters with unknown truth, The intervention of the army, the lone hero save the beauty...Of course, this is just a comparison from the script. The person with the two names on the poster is absolutely impossible to disappoint the audience. This time JJ Abrams Spielberg and Spielberg are just a thorough tribute to the originator of the original film, the super 8mm narrow film film, just as the latter did in his new work "Ready Player One".

The film’s story background is set in the summer of 1979. This time setting is not only because of the birth and popularization of super 8mm cameras, but also because it is more in line with the memories of the director’s generation at this time. J·J was born in 1966. Abrams is actually about the same age as the protagonists in the play, and the dream of chasing the movie may be as crazy as it appears in the play. The group of children in the film actually interprets the most streamlined composition of the film shooting team: director + makeup artist (and prop artist) + videographer + actor and actress. In the play, there are constantly small actors shooting movies with super 8mm cameras. The scene is also that the director is constantly instilling such an impression on the audience-the theme of the movie is actually telling the audience "how to complete a movie". It is also destined that the cost and capital allocation of the film "Super 8" cannot make the special effects of the film exceptionally good, and the director has also avoided this very well. The heavyweight special effects only appear on the scene of train crashes and monsters flying away. The earth and other scenes involving special effects are almost all reasonably "shunned". But more cost is actually applied to the movie itself. If you watch the movie frame by frame, you will feel that every frame is like a beautiful photo, which is given in the era of computer special effects. A small reminder for the filmmakers-don't forget the "movie" itself.

Regarding such weakening of the script, the producer Steven Spielberg "won infamy" as early as "World War", and in the following "Transformers" series, this kind of weakening of the script got For the film lovers with some background, it will remind them of a word-pure movie. What is "pure film", the general explanation is that it goes against the traditional narrative structure and blindly pursues the beauty of vision and composition. The proposal of "pure film" has caused great controversy. Vin Spielberg's various performances have forced contemporary filmmakers to re-treat the question of "what is a film in the true sense" that has no definite answer.

The film’s easter egg is also a ridicule of the director’s weakening of the script of the film. The easter egg fully presents a zombie-themed movie work done by children with super 8mm cameras. The story of this short film is actually the same as the story of the film itself. It's very similar. Maybe JJ Abrams just wants to tell the audience to stop paying attention to any shit plots. Pure movies are just exquisite pictures. And this movie is purely a casual work of these two old guys who drank too much and lay on the recliner and reminisce about their youth.

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Super 8 quotes

  • Charles: I know that's your camera, sir, but technically, that's my film.

  • Donny: Dorks, no shoes on my upholstery.