In addition to exciting fights, what else do we pay attention to

Christine 2022-03-15 09:01:02

I watched the movie at home when I was in the first year of junior high. When I watched it, I vaguely remembered that it was in the last battle that copied the "The Matrix" method to solve a lot of people. That kind of hearty feeling. At that time, I already liked this movie. So I always enjoy it when I play on TV, but I only saw the fighting inside but gradually ignored the profound plot inside. Let me talk about it.

In fact, the story is very simple. In the 21st century, mankind still went through the third world war, which is terrible, making people panic and living in the shadows all day long. Gradually people begin to distrust emotions (just like you are abandoned by someone you like or a woman who has just experienced a divorce). So the government thinks that the solution to this problem is to block all emotions and give everyone a call. It is similar to Wangqing Dan, a drug that paralyzes emotions. Anyone who does not accept this drug system is regarded as a criminal. What is even more unacceptable is that even some precious works of art such as famous paintings and books are all chosen to be burned. He was beaten back to the feudal society at once, and brought out the book-burning confucianism. Also in order to combat these criminals, or some resistance or private collection of these famous paintings, some organizations similar to the Chinese Red Guards would be excluded to clean up these criminals and even It is the clergyman who obviously broke the four olds and established the five new ones. These people are the priests inside. (It feels like the priests inside seem to have no serious work. As long as there are contrabands for a day, they will ransack their homes and rob homes everywhere. There is nothing else to do.) There is also the black guy inside that feels very pitted. You said that you burn these contrabands everywhere. In the end, nothing is left. You say what we can do for people like us. I say you still know it. Don’t you have nothing left after burning every day at the end.

In fact, the movie is not only exciting but also contains a problem that I feel that the handling of things in the movie is too one-sided. It's like what it is. In fact, every one of us living in this world will have some unpleasant things, but choosing to suppress our emotions for peace is obviously an extreme move and an unwise choice. Because life is like this, there are crying and laughing. It is impossible to live a lifetime without experiencing the storms and the protagonist's emotional awakening after catching a female prisoner. This is a progress of mankind. If people have no feelings, it is estimated that this society will not make great progress. There will also be no lasting development in society. And what I admire most in it is not the protagonist but the little boy inside because he resolutely broke with this closed feudal society after his mother died After the protagonist’s wife was executed for a crime, he apparently obeyed the social order but joined the underground resistance organization. Even the drug that paralyzes emotions he hates the burden of the family at a young age and helps to maintain it together. This home and his sister is even more so. I think the director has created a hidden image of a little adult here. In the end, this closed society also shattered the protagonist, and not only did the whole city belong to the protagonist alone

Finally, what I said is that there are ups and downs in life. Although you have a hard life every day, you have to stick to it. I will vaguely remember that I will go back to school every year and have sports meets because I don’t know how I will live. But this year I But I can’t choose to go because I can’t rely too much on certain things like a movie too much on this drug. I think I will develop better without this

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Equilibrium quotes

  • John Preston: When we return from the Nether it always reminds me of why we do what we do.

    Partridge: It does?

    John Preston: [pauses; He takes notice of Partridge's intonation] I beg your pardon?

    Partridge: [Withdraws Prozium-administering device from his pocket and injects himself with it] It does.

  • Polygraph Technician: This is a control question, a riddle really. How would you say would be the easiest way to take a weapon away from a Grammaton Cleric?

    Brandt: [speaks into Preston's ear] You ask him for it.