perfect love

Sincere 2022-01-26 08:05:27

#"Born to Kill"-1994- Oliver Stone is a romantic film suitable for watching in beautiful weather~ When I watched it, I couldn't help but sigh, it is also a 1994 movie, the aura of this movie is completely true to the same year The "Pulp Fiction" of "Pulp Fiction", after reading it, the screenwriter is Quentin, and the film is so "vulgar" and so successful that the audience may be thanks to him. . . I have only seen Oliver Stone's "Field Platoon" before, and after a long time, I can only remember Willem Dafoe's grim face and the heroic sacrifice in the last scene. Oliver Stone was heavily influenced by Buñuel and Godard (two favorite directors). Combining the surreal and strong B-pole style, the sharp editing matches the exaggerated description of the comics, the pure tone and the black and white tone of the fans, the background music and the tone match the description of violence, which distracts the attention of all senses. It doesn't even feel gory. The film is filled with disdain for the false but murderous "media". Human beings are constantly lost in front of the camera, eventually bringing about the destruction of some people and the release of the nature of others. A road movie with one male and one female as the protagonists has its own unique charm. Originally it should be a tradition created by films such as "Bonnie and Clyde" and "Pierro the Madman". Movies that attach importance to the story itself can accumulate in the long river of time. Take a break. The busy summer vacation is coming [em]e400848[/em].

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Natural Born Killers quotes

  • [after shooting a man she'd been having sex with]

    Mallory: That the worst fuckin' head I ever got in my life! Next time don't be so fuckin' eager!

  • Mickey: Let me tell you something, this is the 1990's, alright? In this day and age a man has to have choices, a man has to have a little bit of variety.

    Mallory: What are you talking about, "variety"? Hostages? You wanna fuck some other women now? Is that what you're talking about, Mickey?