Unique description angle, with some suspenseful colors

Tremayne 2022-10-12 13:42:13

Although it is a gay story, the film, like The Philadelphia Story, is not from a sexual perspective, but from a broader social topic: the resulting AIDS, and the AIDS scare among the community psychology.

The more emotional scene is that the infected Tom began to take revenge and "house arrest" the object of his revenge, Dan; before implementing the revenge, Tom still took Dan's blood sample for testing, indicating that Tom was not blindly revenge; During the 48 hours of the blood test, the two had a very emotional and in-depth chat, and if not for the reasons mentioned above, the two should have become very good friends.

When the truth came out, the psychology of revenge was completely gone, only sympathy and pity: Dan was indeed infected.

This movie is really touching.

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The 24th Day quotes

  • Tom: You know what the worse thing about adultery is? Once you do it, no how many years your faithful you're always an adulterer, life is harsh like that. You fuck once you can never be a virgin again, you steel once you're always a thief, and you lie once you're always a liar.

  • Tom: You see this lie? You had sex last Tuesday but you wanted to appear pure but you're not are you? You're not pure. I watched you for a short time and I caught you in a lie. I didn't come looking to do this but after watching you seeing the way you are it only made sense what I had to do. I can only imagine the other 5 years, how many blondies have there been.

    Dan: I never forced anyone to be with me.

    Tom: This isn't only about us how many others have you got sick? They don't count?

    Dan: I'm not sick!

    Tom: You played god with that kid, why would you want to do that? You do whatever you want and when people get hurt, to bad for them.

    Dan: What and now I'm responsible for everyone?

    Tom: Why not?

    Dan: Fuck you man. People make choices, you made a choice. I owe you nothing.

    Tom: Then why so many tests? If you felt no responsibility to protect other people then why so many tests?

    Dan: For me, for me. If I was sick I would want to know so I could take care of myself.

    Tom: But how is it possible for someone who is always safe to get sick?

    Dan: A lot of safe people get tested.

    Tom: And a lot unsafe people don't. Why is that?

    Dan: I didn't trick anyone, you cheated on your wife, no one but you.

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