Where did the UFO come from! It's all business!

Verda 2022-09-04 16:17:14

The UFO industry in the United States can have a scale of tens of billions of dollars a year. Maybe it was some mysterious and unknown events or natural phenomena at first, but when some people found that this was a very profitable and very good IP, the whole format changed. , is a paradise for all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods, all kinds of mentally injured patients, so in order to attract attention, artificial arguments and all kinds of false stories are created, there is a paradise for mental patients, story kings and all kinds of liars. Because there will be no real aliens to sue them for infringement, and there is no need for huge investment, all relying on acting skills, imagination, and self-deception, you can sell for a good price, and there will be a lot of conspiracy theories Because of the gathering of people and strange people, the US government has never officially paid attention to the various groups and speeches of UFOs, because they know that they are all in business, and everything other than business is a pretext.

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