Why do I think one star is a bit too much

Jaime 2022-03-19 09:01:05

After watching so many movies, this Dark Phoenix feels like the worst I have ever seen, all kinds of collapses, and it hurts my head to watch. . . . .

First of all, the title of the movie is the Dark Phoenix, and we are going to watch the Mutant War. Lao Wan and the professor join forces to fight against the beautiful Phoenix, but the result is aliens, cosmic powers, visitors from outside the sky, a group of red hooters The clouds and the aliens that transform at will, this is not the Avengers! Hey! ! ! ! Shouldn't the X-Men be talking about the relationship between mutants and humans? ! ! !

Then there is what kind of character the screenwriter has portrayed Phoenix into? ? Let’s not talk about the nurturing grace of the professor, but the love for the partner means that if you don’t want it, you don’t want it? I know that I can't control this power, and when I get angry, I will hurt others. Why don't I take the initiative to treat myself and let myself wander outside? ? ? ?

After killing Ruiwen, Phoenix still has the face to ask Lao Wan for help, and fights with the army in the mutant paradise that Lao Wan has worked so hard to build. Is this looking for someone else to help, or to cause trouble? And in the end, when Lao Wan knew that Phoenix killed Ruiwen to seek revenge on Phoenix, Phoenix still looked like Lao Wan had done something wrong. To teach Lao Wan, is he really self-centered? Regardless of others, everything has to follow your own temperament? Shouldn't you be held responsible for your own impulsive mistakes?

Last but not least, everyone may say that the above unreasonable things were made because Phoenix couldn't control his own abilities, but what did she do when she was normal? She didn't reflect on why she was like this, and didn't find a solution. When a group of friends wanted to help her, she hurt her friends and let herself go. Isn't she afraid of causing more damage?

When the villain instigated Phoenix at the end, he told Phoenix that the earthlings couldn't accept her ability and wanted to destroy her. Phoenix actually asked, "Can you?" Is this the logic of a normal person, knowing that his own power may be harmful to the people of the earth, should he find someone who allows himself to hurt others at will? ? ?

The huge garbage made by the special effects of the whole film, the spaceship, the flare, the lightning, and the fight at the door at the end, can't bear to look directly. Especially the last fight, a group of mutants, fought for five minutes, what the hell is the door not going in, and Magneto blocked the door with the subway, ah? ? ? Can mutants be blocked by a subway? ? Regardless of the safety of a car, just to get something blocking the door, are there not enough cars on the road for you? ? ? Special effects for special effects? ? ?

In short, this is the most rubbish movie I've seen so far. It's not one of them. It's a bit too much. Please, the otakus of Foss, let Marvel take over. You can get this much for a movie like the Women's Federation 4. Lots of box office, what are you waiting for! ! ! !

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Extended Reading

X-Men: Dark Phoenix quotes

  • Jean Grey: You shouldn't have come here.

    Professor Charles Xavier: Why is that? We've only come to bring you home, Jean.

    Jean Grey: I don't have a home. You made sure of that.

  • Vuk: You're special, Jean. And if you stop fighting that force inside you, if you embrace it, you will possess the very power of a god.