M&M: Not Chocolate Adzuki Beans

Henri 2022-01-28 08:17:52

This may not be Woody Allen's best movie, but it's the best I've seen recently.
Woody is old and likes to say some big truths, such as this one: "Life can be a comedy or a tragedy, it all depends on how you look at it." Americans are encouraged by such very truths, Can you run towards a happy future with a smile on your face and full of confidence? Woody's things should be more unusual and interesting. How does this film look like those English versions of "chicken soup for the soul" (PS, bird flu is very serious, don't drink it), if you don't understand English, you can go on the road Just buy a copy of "Reader" at the newsstand for reference. Usually, the first few articles are translated as "chicken soup text".
In fact, life is a tragedy or a comedy, which can be determined by an attitude. Look at Sang Lan and Zhang Haidi. They are always positive and optimistic. After all, they are still the great tragedy of life. If attitude really decides everything, I would like to smile in exchange for winning the lottery tomorrow.

This film, fortunately, is that the picture is clear, and the voice is pure. You can watch and practice authentic New York English on the upper east coast of the United States to make up for a small disappointment.

Also, the French version of the poster is significantly more interesting than the other versions.

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Extended Reading

Melinda and Melinda quotes

  • Lee: Life has a malicious way of dealing with great potential.

  • Laurel: Melissa had a reputation of being post-modern in bed.