It was a warming but still moving production about the origin of the world famous Children's novel-Peter Pan. Struggling though the blank of tedious life, the English Play writer James, portayed by the always splendid Johnny Depp, almost lost his talent of creating, or in another sense, the majority of the audience seemed to have lost their ability to enjoy what James had numbed about.
And then right there in the beautiful park where the Davids' children played with their mother, performed by the talented Titanic star Kate Winslet, a stream of inspiration lit up to James. Through the purest inmagination of the children, through the turning 30 seconds of a boy to a grown-up, James' long hiden childhood dream was awaken, and so came the all-time-favorite 'Peter Pan'.
BUT it wasn' t the success that has moved me, it was the death of the children's mother. The director sure created the perfect way to imply her death by sending her into the Neverland she had longed for in the most beautiful scene she could ever dreamed of. It was like that she was really starting on the quest to find the dream-palace of Neverland. And that, was the inspiration for me: IF DEATH ITSELF CAN BE DEEMED AS A LONG QUEST TO THE UNKNOWN, THEN EVERY LIVING DAY IN THIS WORLD SHOULD BE TREASUERED AS A QUEST FOR NEW WONDERS,TOO. Why wasting my time and asking when is the next inspiration gonna come to me? why wasting my best period of life sitting around and dreaming of what life isn't ready to offer? Inspiration can be sny where, if we all care enough.
Inspiration can be blooming in every flower you smelled of;
Inspiration can be twinkling in every star you wished upon;
Inspiration can be echoing in every laughter you listenned to;
Inspiration can be flaming in every breathe you take in;
So,neverstop to wait for life's inspiration, care for every little thin in life and you willfinish your own FINDING NEVERLAND perfectly.
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